Second Sky strikes again!!

Dan Swanö

The Watcher
Nov 3, 2001
Yesterday me and Peter Edwinzon had another hot session (I need that aircondition thing in the mixsuite NOW!!!) I recorded and he coached me through the "rockiest and most AOR-ish" song on the album "Time To Say Goodbye" (Now celebrating its 11th birthday!!)
It´s not edited yet, but I am very pleased with my performance and the feeling was good all the way thru, easily one of my most emotional performances ever recorded. The lyrics deal with letting go of a childhood-dream, or to quote a bit of the lyrics. "An abandoned desire. Forged in a teenage mind")

See ya!!


to say the least; you're making me cry!! :waah:

I can't stand waiting for that Second Sky album any longer....
because, like everyone else here, I know the album is going to rock like a motherfucker and I want to hear it!

It's going to be partytime in 2008 or whenever it get's released... if ever.
:kickass: :rock::Smokin: :danceboy: