Secret Satan - the rules


Apr 13, 2002
Following up on rahvin's (possibly involuntary) ispiration, here's my proposal for a nice Secret Satan game.

1. Everyone who wants to participate leaves a message in this thread.

2. The universal central authority, UCA henceforth i.e. me, places the name of all those who participate in an Excel sheet and assigns everyone to someone through random draws (evidence of randomness available on request after the game ends)

3. The UCA creates a Secret Satan account and opens a new thread.

4. Every participant gets a pm with their secret friend and the password to the Secret Satan account.

5. Upon receipt of the message, you have one week to prepare a gift to be posted through the Secret Satan account in the appropriate thread. Gift must be composed of

(a) Two images
(b) A short composition, either poetry or prose
(c) Two musical recommendations

Keep in mind that you have to prepare a gift, hence it should theoretically be to the liking of your secret friend.

To make everything a bit more fun, traditional Christmas imagery/verse etc is forbidden. If you want to post seasonally correct stuff, add a twist.

Also, somebody please get hold of the regulars of yore, the more the merrier. Spread the word to selected posters.

Everyone who wants to play please sign up by leaving a post here!
I am in.

edit: Ooops, I almost forgot:

First :danceboy:
I'm in :hotjump:

edit: sorry for the stupid question. so, the sender is supposed to remain unknown and the receiver known, right?
I am definitely in. I should have regular internet up until the 19th or 20th until after Christmas, because (temporarily) there will be no internet at my residence. This will be fixed shortly after Christmas (when I get my hands on a router - long story), not that it drastically matters. What I'm trying to say is: Whoever I have will get their gift either a bit early, or slightly late. Is that a problem?

If not, hell yeah I wants in.
@siren: yeah, what you said :)

@DoC: no problem - i think it's generally better to give gifts a bit early, say between dec 15 and 20, because a lot of people will probably be away from teh internets on christmas day.
it's all three, and flexibility is barred by the central authority :p

no, seriously, creativity is welcome. should we count you in too?
i'm pleased by the response.

let's leave the thread open for further subscriptions over the weekend, then on Sunday you'll all get the name of your secret friend.
Secret Satan is here!

Sorry for the delay - a zealous user proceeded to make it known that expectations were running high and no sign of life was given. :-p

Every participant in the game should by now have received a message containing a short version of the rules of the game, access information for the Secret Satan account, and the name of their secret friend.

For reasons that are better left unsaid, about half of the participants did receive a message titled "Secret Satan 2008" rather than "2007". The dangers of being excessively forward-looking.

As soon as the moderator can, we'll have a sticky called "Secret Satan 2007" (even if 2008 was also mentioned to said moderator, alas) to host the gifts.

Oh, and one note: can please the user who got hyena as a secret friend trade with someone else? hyena was unavoidably involved in the random number generator for the selection of secret friends but wouldn't like to lose the element of surprise.

If anyone enrolled and didn't receive their info, please send a PM to hyena with legitimate complaints.

Do not send PMs to Secret Satan because now everyone participating can read those, and you don't want to be on the wrong end of a prank. :-p
On this subject:

- hyena, feel free to start the soon-to-be-stickied thread with whatever content you find most appropriate. I'll work my magic later;

- all those involved, do not mess with the Secret Satan account. Just wanted to remind you I can see the IP's of all messages posted, so if you're being idiots you'll be exposed as such;

- one thing I cannot do, however, is limit the posters in a certain thread. So anyone will be able to post in the sticky, just like everybody can drink a gallon of gasoline. I assure you there's very good reason to avoid either. Not just because you can do something you ought to.
@siren: good point. i have no idea as of whether we can upload stuff here on um. rahvin?

otherwise, if anyone wants to share their image hosting account they'll be more than welcome to do so. or, failing all that, i can make a Secret Satan picasa thingie.