Neverboard Secret Santa '08!!


Eyes Wide Open
Nov 15, 2001
Bay Area, California
Anyone down for a Secret Santa gift giving bonanza this year?

I'll put participating peoples names in a hat (literally... will provide pics as proof), and draw them to see who gives who a present this year! Hooray!

If you're down, let me know and PM me your address, and I'll keep a running record.

On, let's say, December 4th, I'll draw the names and PM everyone who their person is to send a gift to.

We can discuss any terms of the gift giving in this thread, if you wanna make any stipulations.

Whatdya think?

Sound good? Merry Consumermass!!


- Brooks
- Anvil
- ct_thrash
- ~Lynn~
- Jace_Mereel
- Lunar Still
- Will Bozarth
- Dead_Lioness
- JenniferGentle
- Karmic
- Shpongled
- Liverslapper
- neal
- Nikki
- El Stormo
- WhiteBeastofWotan
- Undefined
- Kvlt Wench
- Morganna
- Captain Beard
- Lordlucid
Sounds interesting. I don't expect many of the gifts will be surprises though, as if we're going for specificity, we'll almost certainly have to ask the person what they want directly.

With a little fine tuning this could be very kewl.
We could just have a thread that everyone who has applied for the secret santa, give some ideas of gifts.
I imagine that most people here know what other people are into, but if you want, you can list some stuff you're into so people can make some judgments.

Odds are these gifts aren't going to be uber-badass things you've always wanted in your little heart, but it'll be fun nonetheless!

$10 min, $30 max sound good? Max?

Let's see some more of those PM's with addys. I won't sell them to NAMBLA.

if a girl gets me and is stumped for a present i'll gladly accept noods...

but who gets brooks?!@ will he cheat and pick a hot babe for himself to exchange with that cheating bastard of a cheater??!

and what about foreigners?! shipping to england or something is probably 20 euro right there!

details need to be hammered out!
I'm all about giving (insert sexual joke here)

So i wouldn't mind spending the extra on shipping costs to make one smile or laugh. Whoever gets my gift is in for it though...that's all I'm going to say. ;)
Too broke. Sorry ya'lls, sounds fun. I've done it before on other boards and it ruled.