Neverboard Secret Santa '08!!

Hell, I'm broke too.
But I can always find a way to splurge on a burrito, a newspaper, or a couple of extra beers. I think I can find a way to send some lunatic gift to a neverboarder, and so can you. Broke-asses. Eat less cheetos.

But neal is right. I might not be able to play this game if I'm the ringleader.
I could select two of the last remaining people, and tell them to decide who sends ME a gift. i.e. neal and will have to choose between brooks and max... talk amongst yourselves....

Or I could just select a hot babe to mail me n00die pictures.

Factor in shipping with the total cost.
If I've gotta send something to someone in the Czech Republic for a shipping price of $15, they get a soggy band-aid for x-mas.

Keep talking!

PS: hot babes don't need to wait till x-mas to send me n00die pictures. PM me for address.
Well that settles it then. Put my name in and I'll send my secret santa a burrito!

Actually I guess I do have some cheap things (read: free) that would make funny gifts. I wouldn't expect anything of serious value in return either.

Count me in.
Karen, it's doubtful I'm sending cards this year, let alone a gift exchange. I'm always busy and just don't really care this time around. Sard has taken over.

I actually meant David El Stormo ;) because he and Karmic live overseas and
can participate in our Secret Santa game !!

But regardless... I'm sorry to hear Sard has taken over and you won't be a part of the game... :/
Whoever gets me, I like:

- omelettes
- drugs
- long walks on the beach
- vintage 8-tracks
- toothpaste
- yellow things
check yo pm brooksie

so are you thinking pick two names and exchange (more like random exchange buddy than secret santa)? or actual secret santa where you send to someone other than who you receive from and have to try to guess who it is (probably more fun, right?)? course, if it comes from sweden i guess its not too hard to guess haha...
The other boards I've done this on have always just assigned you someone to get a gift for. Say I got Neal... and Neal got Will, and Will got Jen, so on and so forth.