Neverboard Secret Santa '09

I think Emily and Battle Angel. The last Emily reported was that she had not received hers nor had she sent hers. Tyler said he thought his person hadn't received theirs, and Battle Angel said she hadn't received hers. That leaves me to believe that Emily had Battle Angel and Tyler had Emily....AMIRITE?

This would be the correct order of peoples.

I could of sworn I heard Tyler say that he did send his off at some point. But I'm thinking if he did it got lost in the mail I think.

ACK! this year was a tiny bit of a cluster fuck, any way you look at it. But, there was always gonna be SS like this I suppose. Been worse In old art swaps in the past though.
I'm in the "If you want to give someone a gift, just do it" camp. These formalized holidays with obligatory gift giving are absurd.

I also agree partly, but part of the fun for me last year was the mystery of who got who, and people posting their presents. Was kind of hoping for a re run of that. So, it is a bit different, and I must admit it is the highlight of my holiday season, being far away from my family, and shit, people at home really don't appreciate getting a drawing, even if its all I have to give.