Secret to getting an awesome slappy kick


Aug 24, 2009
Hicktown New York.
All the stuff I've recorded and mixed so far drum wise has been 100 percent replaced with superior and slate so bear with me here as I'm not entirely sure this works for a natural kick drum mic'd up
and what not, but I mean I think it should.

Sorry if this has already been discussed but I haven't seen much on it so I thought I would share what I have found;
again this might be common knowledge so don't make me feel retarded if it is. :Saint:

SO anyway what I've been doing, and I encourage you to try this is make a duplicate of the kick track and highpass it heavily around like 150 to 200 hz to remove any low-end then your
gonna wanna add a massive like 11 or 12 db boost really wide at about 1.5 to 2.5 khz somewhere around there, whever your kick starts to sound really slappy
(lol only word I can use to describe it) and add a high shelf boost at around 6-10 khz maybe about 3 or 4 db (subjective again depending on your kick)

Next your gonna wanna add g-clip or any other softclipper and clip the fuck out of it till its pretty much more distortion then bass drum.
It should sound pretty slappy now on its on but your not done yet

Now you wanna add a tad bit more distortion; I've been using izotope thrash on the rubber hammer setting overdrive all the way to 10 but just play around with all kinds.
(For people that don't have thrash rubber hammer isn't a very heavy distortion setting at all its not like running it through an amp sim or anything like that)

Next you simply just blend this in with your original kick sample (bus it to the same track as your kick drum and use the channel fader to control the blend)
Your kick should sound pretty fucking slappy and really cut through alot better now.

Try it out, try compressing try a bunch of stuff, I've literally just discovered this within my last two or three mixes but it works pretty fucking well IMO.
I might post a clip up but right now all it is, is bass and drums
(and the drums were programmed by my friend so they're pretty horrendously unreal and whatnot) but I'll still post a before and after if you want.