See you all later!

Originally posted by Spiff

I blame Koichi, just because he's the first person I thought of just now. Shame on you! :mad:

No,cmon admit it,spiff is right,i will be the ruin of this board,i vow it from this day on................
Hehehe indeed. I think the addition of Xena livened up the board alot :) Made me post more anyway.... heheh. You'd never have noticed though haha!
OK after cooling down with my disgust at the critisim and thinking about what has been said and insinuated!
I'm not going anywhere jsut choosing my words hell of a lot more carefully!
No matter how hard you try it is always going to be a man's world after all!:lol: Funny that if a guy was doing what I do it would be considered very manly to do so...but a girl hell have no fury like a woman scorned!
Just like to have fun where I can and if people react in the same joking manner it only encourages me more.
Sorry If I ever offended anyone or took some things too humble apologies.

Now lets try and get back to the music:lol: :lol: :lol:
Originally posted by Moon Child

Sometimes the boys get a little protective of their message board. It's a male thing. They mark their territory. You know how it is. ;)

Ah testosterone...

I know, im getting a bit sick of them peeing on the floor :D

As for YOU Southy, I would never say anythign vulgar, you know that ;)
Ohhh Spawny, you mean I'm not meant to pee on the floor? Should've told me earlier, now I have to go get some Superwipes or something to clean it all up.

*Zips up jeans* Better find a bush this time... :lol: