Random Thoughts

I wonder how I went on my Economics exam yesterday... *Ok.

Fuck it's hot, I can't wait till it is the right weather to get in the pool... *What? Its hot. Get in!

SFSGSW is a killer album, Dave Mustaine rules... *NEIN!

Looking for a new car sucks, why do mechanics and insurance companies screw everyone... *Cos they can!

'A Question Of Heaven' is overated, it is good, but IE have alot better shit... *LIES!

Troops' survey doovers look intimidating to fill out at first, but it's actually quite fun once you get going... *Agreed!

Why the hell did Sharon want the bass and drum tracks re-recorded on the old albums? They sound shit, and I wasted $16... * She is a greedy so and so.

Why is this shirt getting holes in it and thinning out? It isn't that old... *Because you didnt buy MESH, then you would have holes already.

Why don't I own a copy of Master Of Puppers?? It is one of my all time favs, and I don't have it...was it stolen or something?.. *Never heard of the album, whats a pupper?

What the hell does Spawny do at work anyway, besides post on here I mean... *Types crap into a computer. Strangely the same thing he does when he posts...

Axl's performance wasn't that bad, give the guy a break... Oh it was bad!

The vocals in Annihilator's 'Phoenix Rising' sounds like he is saying 'penis rising'... *I disagree, no it doesnt. F**king great song that one.

When should I start study for my next exam which is on Monday... *Monday morning.

Why don't more people like 'Grave Digger'? Their new album is awesome... *Cos they have choiry choruses and his singing is rougher than Axl...

Instrumentals rule **listening to IE - 1776**... *F**k yes! Mending and Liquid Oval by Annihilator are awesome also!

Why is that Avril Lavagne song so popular, it sucks...
*No it doesnt. Just give in and enjoy! Avril Lasagne rocks.

What the hell is new Metallica gonna sound like...
*Like Load and Reload. Face it :(

Vanilla Coke is shit...trends suck... *Agreed.

Why has my guitar sound been sounding like shit lately... *It needs new strings.

Unreal Tournament is so addictive... *That it is.

I hope M4TB goes ahead in April, then I can go... *Well that would rock then!
Vanilla Coke is nice! It's like a spider in a bottle lol!

And I don't see where all this Creamy Soda stuff is coming from either lol. It tastes like a spider because in spiders you mix the coke with VANILLA ice cream.
Originally posted by spawn
Because you didnt buy MESH, then you would have holes already.
Where the hell do you do your shopping anyway? :)
Originally posted by spawn
whats a pupper?
Originally posted by spawn
The vocals in Annihilator's 'Phoenix Rising' sounds like he is saying 'penis rising'... *I disagree, no it doesnt. F**king great song that one.
It does so! Still a great song though...I d/led it after I read you praise it in your journal. :)
Originally posted by spawn
Why don't more people like 'Grave Digger'? Their new album is awesome... *Cos they have choiry choruses and his singing is rougher than Axl...
Yes, but his rough vocals are awesome, and very fitting. And they don't have that many big choruses anyway, and the ones they do have rule. :)
Go listen to the album again now. 'The House' :headbang:
Originally posted by spawn
Instrumentals rule **listening to IE - 1776**... *F**k yes! Mending and Liquid Oval by Annihilator are awesome also!
I shall have to get those. :)
Originally posted by spawn
What the hell is new Metallica gonna sound like...
*Like Load and Reload. Face it :(
I don't think it will be that much like those albums...probably the same quality songs (which I am fine with :) ), but am not sure about the actual sound...
Originally posted by spawn
Why has my guitar sound been sounding like shit lately... *It needs new strings.
Thats what I figured, but I can't be bothered.
Where the hell do you do your shopping anyway?

On the internet, or if I see something in a window on the way to the comic store and Utopia!

It does so! Still a great song though...I d/led it after I read you praise it in your journal.

:lol: I still dont think it does :lol: BUT, good show, you will love the other 2 instrumentals, do you own Criteria For A Black Widow by Annihilator? Its one of the best thrash albums ever IMHO :)

Yes, but his rough vocals are awesome, and very fitting. And they don't have that many big choruses anyway, and the ones they do have rule.

True, its not THAT bad in the choiry bits, I didnt mind the album, but its not something ill listen to all the time. Silence is nice though :D

I shall have to get those.

You dont have any Annihilator cds? Ok, get Criteria For A Black Widow, Set The World On Fire, Carnival Diablos and Waking The Fury. They are f**king awesome! Or get the new double live album coming out in January :headbang: No, thats a lie, go buy CFABW NOW!

I don't think it will be that much like those albums...probably the same quality songs (which I am fine with ), but am not sure about the actual sound...

Hmm well, I wouldnt be surprised if it does sound like Load and Reload, whatever it is, I will still buy it just to see what they are doing now :)