See You Later


i already miss you Thanatos :cry:

u know where to find me, plz keep in touch :(

Siren (who was wondering where Thanatos was the last few days :()
Well, I was away for just a little more than a week, and I almost killed myself (crazy driving, anyone?) but well, I fixed nothing in my life :cry:

And I heard there were some rumours fying around (fucking gossipers :heh:) Tristessa is a friend of mine I invited over to check the forum cause I'm trying to get her into metal and DT.

"you know who you are"

was for someone else (but I'm not telling who :p)
Narcoloth: Well I'm back mister greek man

red_beef: silly posts? where? see you in the NP threads all over the forum pal

wildfyr: good idea

mousewings: thanks, I owe you something :)

nick: you're so fucking foul mouthed :p

Tristessa: good luck in England

DoAsISayNotAsIDo: Hey there, spamming buddy

Villain: thanks doc, I guess you're happy now :loco: waiting for the Uppsala pics

rahvin: Mexico and Italy disqualified from the world cup, a win/win situation for us huh? ;)

Ing: Nah, it was a statistical study about lemmings mating customs :p I missed you gachupas, no seas enojòn

atlantis: thanks cute one ;)

Hiljainen: not late at all carissima

He-Arse: :)

Zeanra: *cleans tears*

Siren: that's why I decided to come back, it was no fair to make you suffer for my abscense :p

SilentJohan: You too, and don't be so silent in the forum

Q: Morning :p

TheMindzI: yes I saw your post, thanks

Mel: :spin: thanks
As someone wise said, this was a thread to see how many ppl miss you. :mad: :flame: ;)

No soy "enojón" (nadie usaría esa palabra en Gachupinolandia) si me llamas por mi nombre (o sobrenombre) y me tratas con respeto y dulzura (con dosis moderadas de dulzura, nada de besarme en los labios). Gracias. Goza. Sé feliz.

|ngenius ( :cool: )
Originally posted by |ngenius
As someone wise said, this was a thread to see how many ppl miss you. :mad: :flame: ;)

:bah: it wasn't, I'm not an angry teen seeking attention :( I was (still am) burned out.
O sea que nada de Manolo, |ngenuo y demás nombres graciosos? :cry:

@Nick: you own a Colony t-shirt so shut up :p
Originally posted by Thanatos
rahvin: Mexico and Italy disqualified from the world cup, a win/win situation for us huh? ;)

i was almost dreading another direct match in the near future. i'm way too sentimental to go against you in any form or way. :dopey: :p
