Okkkk, here goes nothing <takes deep breath>
In case some of you don't know, I'm the guy that now owns UM.com so hello

Many of you I hve already met one ay or another.
Lots of valid points here. Also lot of things that bring concern. I wouldn't be against letting mods have a little more control of their forums, I'll say that upfront. With that said, I think (as someone else mentioned) there would have to be a "final say" in the matter which would come back to me. My concern is that a mod would ban/delete posts just because that particular person may have a "thing" with a UM.com member. Mods have to realize, even if it is their forum they are controlling, that there's a grey area of responsibility when it comes to what to delete/not delete, who to kick off etc. They have to essentially set aside their personal feelings and think of it as being "for the greater good" (that make sense at all?! lol).
Maybe there could be a set of rules/guidelines implemented or something for all mod to use, athough they would have to use their own discretion as well. Then once they have deleted something or banned someone for their forums it would come to me to check out and make the final decision (their actions would be done but I would have the chance to reverse if I thought it was to be).
I'll be honest, I read through a lot of Profanity's posts, and while I don't quite get what plnet he is living on

I wouldn't say he falls into the banning category. As far as I could tell, he posted a lot of seriously off topic stuff, in the SoT forum!

Now, post count padding is something I wouldn't tolerate but in the threads I read I didn't see any so maybe he hasn't done that recently I don't know. I mean if you really didn't ke reading someone's goofy posts it is easy enough with this board to put someone on "ignore" mode. Anyways, that's my 2 cents on that one.
I would really like this subject to move over to the Forum Requests forum so others may happen upon it as well and put their say into it.
http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=276 . I do plan on making some changes but I DO want to keep the magic of UM.com in place. That's an awful fine line when the word "changes" is spoken..oooo ahhhhhh, the evil take over! hehe.
So ladies and gents, my final words are, I am open to suggestions! I am not against mods having more abilities in their forums. Let's take it over to the Forum Suggestion section cool? All this stuff will help me come up with some rules in place so that most EVERYone has a say in what happens here.