IMPORTANT: Forum announcement by moderators


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
After some careful deliberation, Mr Samsara and myself have come to the conclusion that we need to get back into this community utilising our moderator powers to a greater degree.

Myself, I'm a fan of transparent moderation, I don't like to over-moderate and restrict what freedoms people feel they have on the internet. But this all goes under assumption that the community itself is willing to operate within reasonable bounds.

Now, I'm quite happy with how this community has progressed since that time that everyone felt moderators needed to be appointed. But I find it quite distressing that it's headed back toward that direction at a slow pace.

I've seen it everywhere, Samsara has seen it everywhere, you have seen it everywhere. The spammish, wasteful content on here we've let fly for quite a while now, in the hopes that it would eventually subside by itself. No such luck, and unfortunately we can ill afford to wait any longer.

The deal is that Opeth's new album is on the horizon. We expect, shortly after it's release, there to be a huge influx of new members into this forum (due to their new label being such a promotionary giant). To make this place accomodating to as many people as possible, we need some groundwork established. We need either a community that can moderate itself, or a set of moderators who can do it for them. It seems that it has to be the latter in this case.

To get to how this affects YOU as a member on here...

We won't be letting any more harrasment, one-line provocatory sarcasm, spam, trolling etc etc. fly any more. If you are willing to engage in any distasteful behaviour on here, we'll make sure you know it by notifying you directly. If subsequently, the behaviour doesn't stop, we'll be notifying MetalAges - I'm sure you're all familiar with his 'No BS' policy.

So guys, please, be fair, be nice to each other and hopefully me and Samsara will be able to lay off again.

Yours truly,
Your one-time-favourite-yet-now-majorly-disdained moderator, Moonie.

Am looking forward to a tyraneous reign.
It's not about having anything new to talk about. It's about common decency. There are snide comments being made all over this place, which eventually erupt into personal attacks and then flame wars. We're pretty sick of it.
Good work, Moonlapse & Mr. Samsara.
I, for one, have been bludgeoned repeatedly by attacks and I'm glad to see the more strict moderating that will be enforced upon the opeth forum. :)

I also think Opeth should consider re-designing their main page..
Moonlapse said:
It's not about having anything new to talk about. It's about common decency. There are snide comments being made all over this place, which eventually erupt into personal attacks and then flame wars. We're pretty sick of it.

understood, but new music to listen to will bring us out of that...there is no new music to talk about now, and hasn't been for a long time. all that everyone does is make predictions, bitch about the new record label, and have silly little arguments. everything is very light-hearted, but has turned this into more of a socially based forum...based on certain users and their traits...pointless agitation on certain people's opinions. but, when we have some new opeth to listen to, we can all talk about the music, which is what really matters...and if we came to this forum, then we initially came here for the music. every single one of us like opeth. if that isn't true, (not accusing anyone) then you shouldn't be on here. but, don't think that any of us can disagree with that.

i'm not saying that it shouldn't be dealt with now, i understand that...i'm just saying its gonna help when the album comes out, and the touring begins. that is where people will come together.
I disagree; I mean, even if the new CD hasn't been published, at least we've been able to talk about the new record label, Per, the new cover, song titles, and a bunch of other stuff related in a way to the new album.

The worst time for this forum was last winter, when there was no recording going on and the updates at came once in 6 weeks... but, then, there were also fewer trolls. Oh bliss!
Wow, I didn't even know you were mod, you sounded like one of the normal friendly users here.

Moderator is somebody who always complains, bans people and who everyone hates or fears, I didn't get any of these thoughts when I saw you.
you won't save this forum. setting aside the music, the Opeth moniker is now a profitable marketing tool, and the result will be an influx of those brought in by that moniker. removing the spam is a fine idea, but it won't create intelligent discussion where there is none.
