IMPORTANT: Forum announcement by moderators

Discussion is what you make it. Come up with a topic that is thought-provoking enough and almost anyone can contribute something meaningful. You're never going to have a thread completely free of stupid insults thrown around for stupid reasons, but I believe it's possible to get pretty close.

I strongly agree with the people who have reasoned that once the new album is out, discussion here will be a lot more serious. At least for a while :grin: I don't think the so-called new fanbase will be an issue. It is my prediction that they'll all be too busy watching MTV, or the O.C., and all that other canned pop-culture crap, to hang out online discussing the finer points of Opeth's themes and lyrics.
NeverIsForever said:
it is my prediction that they'll all be too busy watching MTV, or the O.C., and all that other canned pop-culture crap, to hang out online discussing the finer points of Opeth's themes and lyrics.
Hmm I don't know, if you look at many other mainstream band forums you see tons of these "so I went to the store today and bought some milk lol" type of threads. Let's hope this is the type of crap the mods will remove on sight. one here hide in shame, did any of you ever post on the old shoutweb forums? there has to be a few of you...the forum was huge. there were like 10 new threads a minute...all the time. i was like a sophomore in high school i think...that was the biggest waste of space on the internet....half of the time, it was 8th graders asking if getting their dicks sucked meant losing their virginity.
Moonlapse said:
It's not about having anything new to talk about. It's about common decency. There are snide comments being made all over this place, which eventually erupt into personal attacks and then flame wars. We're pretty sick of it.

Thankgod that this is being picked up at last.

I used to post here a lot, but now I don't anywhere near as much because of posters being aggressive and abusive.

It's not nice when you're into a band and want to talk to other people in a similar vein, only to have them post abusive messages.

Thumbs up to the mod's - cull the crap.
Hm, the forum will lose it's main attraction.

I've never seen so many swearing and bashing on any other forum and it was a reason why it made me come back.

But hey, maybe it can be funny without the bashing too...who knows?
Yes, I think this was the right move. The spamming/bitching on this forum is getting out of control which is putting off many true Opethians. If this problem isn't sorted then it will just get out of control.

I support Moonlapse and Samsara with whatever they decide because they have never made a wrong move before.
the point with cleaning up the forum is good. i'd start with erasing all the Porcupine Tree threads for the beginning...
Moonlapse: I was about to pm you about how I felt with the forum having a little too much spam, but you answered my and I'm sure many others' call.

I'd hate to point any fingers, so I'll just say that in general I have been very turned off from even coming to this forum because just about every single thread has spam written all over it. I see an attractive thread title such as " update" or something like that and after a few posts I see the same theme: SPAM.

Here's a few examples:


The last few posts were pointless and just ruined the thread where one poster says he is waiting for the korn album, then another person comes in saying "'re brave.." then the original poster puts a smile, then another person says "*you're," and then the original poster says "ur," etc etc.


- the 2nd poster responds to the original question by saying "'cuz you touch yourself at night," and the thread ends up being useless. Yes the original poster wasn't clear about his question, but some of you could've asked for clarification instead of responding with useless spam.


-The first response is: "I heard yesterday that Anthony Kiedis (sp?) violently raped a 16 year old once and got away with it and now they can laugh about it. I don't know if it's true though." And several of the following responses are mostly spam too.

these are just three of many examples of useless spam that sound as if 12 years olds have taken over the forum. I don't even feel the presence of Opeth in this forum anymore.
this forum at sometimes is like it does not have mods on it at all, sometimes thats a good thing sometimes its a bad thing
Profanity said:
Yes, I think this was the right move. The spamming/bitching on this forum is getting out of control which is putting off many true Opethians. If this problem isn't sorted then it will just get out of control.

Of all people... :Spin:
Caca Volante said:
this forum at sometimes is like it does not have mods on it at all, sometimes thats a good thing sometimes its a bad thing

I think it's good that it seems that way to people. Mr Samsara and I pretty frequently clean this place out from outlandishly stupid/trollish threads, so it's good to know what we do seems transparent to most.
I forgot to add something in by the way.

To all you members who might not be aware, there is a 'Report bad post' button that appears on every post apart from your own. It's the exclamation mark icon that appears in the bottom left corner.

When you report a bad post, you get to cite why you see it is as unsuitable. The link to the post, along with your comments are then emailed to all the moderators on here.

Don't hesitate to use the feature if you find it necessary.
That's very cool, Moonlapse. Wouldn't it be more convenient, however, to have the reports sent through PM? I would think managing PMs would be much easier and less time-consuming than email.... lols. :(

Well if you guys need help with anything, let me know. I'm not going to just go searching through every thread hitting the [ ! ] on spams though, unless you want me to. That's a darn lot of emails, heh. :/