Meet the new forum moderators


C-C-Cool Beans!!!
There's been a few changes going on here on the rebellion's front.... :cool:

Please welcome the two new mods to the Kat 5 forum, Jens (a.k.a. Black Chest) and Mr. Ruind Luna. Jens is the new Kataogry V webaster in case you haven't read the news yet, and it's customary to have the bands on-line, right-hand man as the moderator. His resposibilities are mainly the website, but you might see him poking around here from time to time... :Spin:

Ruin Luna has been here for many o' years, and is a devoted fan, and a close freind of the band, and even though he is unaware of it until now reading this... he has moved up in rank from forum lacky! :tickled:
Not too bad of a promotion for the English bloke... eh? He's erned it!

Prog2112 (Sheri) is now the Kataogry V news letter moderator, and will be posting news via email on our mailing list, and on here as well from time to time. If the news doesn't get posted on here from her, It will come directly from the band, or possibly even Jens & Mr. Luna.

Sweeeeeet! :wave:

Wow! Erm, thanks! (This is the first I've heard of it, in case anyone was wondering!)

It's actually quite ironic - in a nice way - since I've chosen (sadly) to no longer be a mod for Iron Maiden, since their board turned into something I wanted nothing whatsoever to do with. This is a whole different kettle of fish. :)

It's not that there's much to moderate around here - yet, anyway - but I'm flattered and honoured. Thanks, Dustin, and all you KatV loonies. You guys rule. :rock: