Only five weeks until ProgPower!!!

Mr Toast

Aug 1, 2002
I am quite psyched about attending this year!!! I'm beginning to wonder if I won't explode from excessive anticipation before the date arrives...

Anyways, the new Katagory V material (what I have heard so far) will definitely NOT disappoint! I am very much looking forward to Prymary and Redemption as well, and seeing/hearing all the other bands for the first time is definitely going to be a treat!!! Must bring lots of cash for CDs...
:hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump:

The only downside to all this is that after the show I move back to Utah. Such a pretty state, but I REALLY love Tennessee...

At least the Katagory V guys, Sheri, and Ruined Luna live in Utah (not to mention family), so it isn't a complete disaster!

Mr Toast chants ProgPower over and over, getting strange looks from his coworkers...
More interesting ProgPower news...
from Redemption website said:
07/16/2003 Entry: "Update from Nick"

Hello everybody. I figured it was high time I popped in here to say hi. Thanks for all the kind words. To those of you who are coming to Prog Power, we're gonna have a great time.

Bernie and I started rehearsing last weekend and we join the guys in Prymary, who will be playing drums, keyboards and bass, for rehearsals this Thursday. Corey Brown will be joining us in a few weeks to add the vocals and then before you know it, showtime.

We're working on new material and will be showcasing a new song at Progpower.

Anyhow, I'll drop back here from time to time when I have something of interest to report. In the meantime, thanks again for all your support, everybody. It means a tremendous amount to all of us!



Jason Rullo, last I checked, does still use DW drums, by the way. :)

Redemption's Website
Mr Toast said:
At least the Katagory V guys, Sheri, and Ruined Luna live in Utah (not to mention family), so it isn't a complete disaster! :loco:
It'd be nice to hang on a more regular basis, Toasty. :wave:

Psyched for PP here too! Mainly for Katagory V and Nightwish, I'm not ashamed to admit... :tickled:

BTW, been spinning the rough mixes of 'Chrono-Logic' and 'Turn To Grey' in the car... they get better with every listen! :cool:
Yes, you read it right! Only four more weeks until the Utah contingent storms Atlanta for ProgPower IV!!!

I'll be heading down a day earlier after all, assuming this is not a problem of course!

BTW, I avoid alcohol, so I guess that makes me the designated driver - or something...

I should point out that while the Kat V guys are in Atlanta, the Utah scene will be jamming out to the likes of Evanescence, Arch Enemy, and Bastard Sons of Johnny Cash.
Aplogies for rubbing it in, Luna! I know that Nightwish, Symphony X, etc. are a poor substitute for Evanescence, but I think we will survive...

I just felt the need to point out the Bastard Sons of Johnny Cash. Someone mentioned to me that the Legendary Mr. Cash is rather amused about their band name!
Mr Toast said:
Aplogies for rubbing it in, Luna! I know that Nightwish, Symphony X, etc. are a poor substitute for Evanescence, but I think we will survive...
There is that... Evanescence are good from what I've heard, but we get Nightwish, who, in all honesty, are like twenty million times better. :cool:
The "cool" crowd of Utah will invade Atlanta soon... all the rest will have to sit at home and wish they were there having a good time like us...:muhaha:

Or at least go see Arch Enemy live since we'll be missing that show! I can't belive I'm going to miss arch Enemy though... :yell: ugggg!

But I must agree on the Nightwish comment...twenty times better indeed. :p

There are 10 bands playing and there are 10 bands that i'm looking forward to having them kick me in my ass! :grin:
that's gonna hurt! :ill:
