Katagory V to play ProgPower IV Pre-party


Feb 11, 2002
Salt Lake City, UT USA
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This post from Shane (Pre-part promoter) was taken from the Perpetual Motion message board:

"Hello everyone, Shane here. The line-up for the pre-party has been finalized, and here they are,
in no particular order performing at the Riviera Club.

Prymary from L.A
Stride from Houston
Katagory V from Salt Lake City.

All of the particulars as far as times, cover charge, etc.. will be ready in the next couple of
weeks on this board, and on the PP4 website.

One thing that I do want to make clear is that there is a back room @ the
club that is available for gold badge members only, specified for the meet and greet
and just mingling in general, with a fully stocked bar....

This show was created for unsigned bands who have worked their ass off and deserve
an opportunity to play before a crowd, and people of this nature and clout. The last show
was a great success, and we really hope to make this a tradition along with the big show.

More to come soon, and thanks to everyone for all of their interest. Feel free to
cybrbass@swbell.net]E-Mail[/email] me
with any questions....

All the Best!!!!!!

CIAO!!!!! Shane DuBose"

The ProgPower festival just got better! Hopefully those going to the main festival come a day early for the pre-party to meet the bands playing Friday & Saturday as well as see Katagory V Live!!! I know I'll be their for this!


a.k.a. Worldchanger - Appropriate Apocalypse webzine
Way to go Katagory V! Congrats on the Record Label and we're really psyched to see you at the preparty!!! We're really looking forward to Progpower this year! Sheri, I hope to see you this year, hope you remember the couple from Cheyenne? Again, Congrats Dustin and the band!!

SleepingSun79 said:
Way to go Katagory V! Congrats on the Record Label and we're really psyched to see you at the preparty!!! We're really looking forward to Progpower this year! Sheri, I hope to see you this year, hope you remember the couple from Cheyenne? Again, Congrats Dustin and the band!!


Hi Melissa,

It's great to hear from you! I'm glad that we'll get the chance to meet again this year. It's great to get support from people in our area for Dustin's band and for PP in general. I have to apologize, I remember you guys but don't remember what you look like (man, I'm getting old...) so just make sure that you grab me at the show or if you don't remember what I look like, just yank on Dustin's beard to get my attention :). The thing will probably have grown to the ground by then hehehehe..... Depending on where you guys are staying and when you are getting there, we'll have to try to meet up for dinner/lunch or something! We'll be @ the Granada on Wednesday. We can plan something closer to the show...

Thats alright, its hard to remember what someone looks like when you just meet them once and almost a year will have gone by. I think remember what you look like. :) We'll be arriving on Thursday and staying at the Fairfield again. I'm so excited to see Nightwish and Evergrey!!! I did hear a song or two of Dustin's band, they sounded really good! Lets keep in touch and we'll get together! :)

SleepingSun79 said:
Way to go Katagory V! Congrats on the Record Label and we're really psyched to see you at the preparty!!! We're really looking forward to Progpower this year! Sheri, I hope to see you this year, hope you remember the couple from Cheyenne? Again, Congrats Dustin and the band!!

Hello Melissa! :wave:

Thank you for the kind words! We're glad to hear that you and Max are attending the festival again this year and we look forward to meeting you once again! I used to think we were the odd-balls since we came from Salt Lake City, but you guys got us beat being from Cheyenne. We'll actually be driving through there on our way to Chicago for the Classic Metal Festival at the end of June. :grin:

As Sheri had mentioned, we will be ariving in Atlanta on Wednsday and are staying at the Granada. Although the band will probably be tied up a majority of Thursday sound checking and prepared for the Pre-Party, we'll all have to meet up sometime during the stay in Atlanta!

see you then!


Great to get a post from you! Yeah, I and Max are really looking forward to Atlanta. I hope we'll get a chance to get together with you and Sheri, that would be great! Good luck on the Chicago festival, Chicago is a wonderful town! I love it there! :)
