seek not


Feb 14, 2002
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OK. I know these forums are about music and I really like them that way (it is always nice to meet people that share your interest and love for this music).
However, as we will all soon to be bombarded with all kinds of stupid statements and false info coming from the tv/computer screens and those sold out, one-sided newsletters with regard to what happened last year in New York, I thought I’d do my bit.
First of all, to those Americans and British and others who at times appear to be over-sentimental and at others are utterly and questionably apathetic: Why did you cry all those tears when you heard last year’s news, or when some princess died, but never ever cared when the Armenians, the Kurds, the Tibetans, Africans, Peruvians, Mexicans, Australian aborigines and many, many others were victims of genocide? Think about it; you never ever cried a single tear for all those who died in an unjust war (Vietnam anyone? ‘As if there ever was a just war’) but you were eager to mourn for those few victims (as if the U.S. has been the sole victim in the whole of history) who died when the twin towers collapsed. Eh, why did you or didn’t you? Was it again because you get all your information from the same ‘guys’ that paralyse you and try to turn you into blind sheep?
Don’t forget people this was not an attack against the U.S. but rather an attack to the Jewish lobbies that govern that country secretly and without ever being voted for… And don’t give us any bullshit about the U.S. being a free country. Most probably the last time that country were free was when buffalos still roamed the land and the rightful owners of the land had not yet been massacred by those ‘princes of faith in terrorism’ (i.e. the conquistadors).
And to all those who think that any of those great religious representatives really care about love for the fellow human being, let me tell you they do not. All they care is about the public opinion, which apparently is a sold out bitch. We, people, are among the last free spirits out there and we have to face all the crap, considered satanists, junkies or both, we are at the margin just cause we like our hair long and smoke the plant that was there for us to smoke. So, fuck them all and wake up for fuck’s sake, we are the human freaks and we do not need them selfish bastards and robot-like humanoids. We are the brave ones that recognised what dwells in our souls (call it music or anything you like) unlike those hypocrite fuckheads worshippers of Mammonas.

Hope we all go to a place where we can enjoy each other’s company and listen to whatever we wish without having to constantly fight this battle against the damn racist oppressors with no taste in mind, or rather with no mind to taste…

Oh and if you are a pig without a reason (no offence to the animals) then go fuck yourself.

Next time when you vote put some phosphorus in your vote. In a certain temperature it burns itself as well as the rest of the votes in the urn, a hint for any potential anarchists out there.

A final word to all fuckheads: Save the crocodile tears you will cry in a hypocritical way (as if you ever cared for us freaks) finding out that we are not fooled by your bullshit lies. You need them when you ask for forgiveness to your failed God for all your truly horrible deeds.

BTW Just for not allowing people to play Clive Barker’s Undying, the Gk gov should be shot.
:eek: :eek: :eek: :OMG: :zombie: