seeking graphic designer for Twitter graphics


Jun 24, 2004
Minnesota, USA
Does any diehard Theocracy fan want to put their graphic design skills to work to help their favorite band's label? I am working on some Twitter graphics and my skills suck. If someone wants to lend their skills (for free) to help out, PM me.
FYI, need fulfilled, as M@RS jumped right on this and has been making some very cool graphics for me! Also thanks to metalgrounds for offering :kickass:
We're not quite done yet - still tweaking them to get them perfect. Rest assured, I will be posting links as soon as they are complete!
Can we see what graphics you did?

Here there are. M@RS created both the overall background design and the background logo design (taking the existing label logos and coming up with cool variants of them) for:

They look great! And it was a ton of work (many iterations of design) to get them exactly right for the technical constraints Twitter imposes. Thank you, M@RS!

Now, let's get some more followers for the labels! I *know* we have fans here of the other label bands such as Darkwater, Harmony, Innerwish, and Sinbreed (Ulterium) and Soulspell (Inner Wound) :D
Alex, thanks for the suggestion (and welcome to the board)!

However, M@RS has taken the reins and is doing splendid work for me, so I am all set :)

All, although it's not really in use yet, you can see M@RS' most recent creation at: