Seeking tranlations!


C-C-Cool Beans!!!
Hails everyone!

With many of the German reviews and interviews (thanks to Taurelin for the interview transaltion and Jens for the oppotunity to talk about Katagory V!), we still have several that were still trying to hunt down....

Katagory V is looking for copies and transaltions to reviews that were published in the infamous ROCK HARD and HEAVY ODER WAS?! Magazines bewteen May and July. Both are in German, but we are looking for hard-copies (a photo-copy or even the magazine itself) along with a transcript of an english translation if possible.

Any metal fans out there who can help us with this; we will return the favor and reimburse you (if you ship us the actual magazines) as well as send you a copy of "A New Breed of Rebellion" and an Autographed 8 x 10.

Get in touch with me at if you are interested!

HEAVY ODER WAS?! magazine has a website: which is also available in english. I don't know...they have a shop and maybe they deliver outside Germany (or Europe)? Your review was in the magazine #67 (with a TWISTED SISTER cover on it).

About the ROCK HARD far as I know Taurelin buys that mag regularly. Maybe you ask him directly and he can make a copy of that review or send you his mag?
ahhh yes... :blush: that's a good idea!I will defaintly have to contact Taurlein about that ROCK HARD review then. :grin:

The review in #67 of Heavy Oder Was?! is actually the one for "Present Day" from what I remember. I was told there was actually one in (not sure what issue, possibly #72 or #73... it had our former label mates, Division, in it) that came out around the time the one in ROCK HARD did this year. That's the one were still looking for. :cool:
