Seen Hypocrisy live?: post your impressions


Nov 19, 2002
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Ive seen them live once, but was such a masacre and i was in great ecstasy, so i cant remebrer anything...just that it was amazing....
(Peter RLZ!!) :p
I saw them four times in four different countries last year :D There was Switzerland, France, Belgium and Germany. Actually all the gigs were fucking great!! The one in Switzerland was maybe not AS great as the others. Peter had a really bad hangover cause of "some" (haha) vodka the evening before *g*. But with time (or probably more "with beer") he got more into it so the concert got better and better with every minute :)
I saw them at Bradford Rio's April 02 where they played the worst gig they've ever done -Peter's own words!! That was not their fault of course- it was appaling sound by Rio's technical side.The crowd was small and some didn't get in to it as they could have-but those that did loved it.We were so glad to be so close then to meet him afterwards was cool!
And of course Peter put on his marvelous performance remaining so profesional, as ever.

Then at Wacken 02 where they ruled- the crowd loved them so much- it was so funny when Peter lifted his t-shirt to rub his nipples with delight at the crowd! And I was at the front.

( Also saw PAIN in London Oct 02-but too wrecked to remember-but I hear I got to the front and screamed my head off-and shouted all the lyrics-even when Peter forgot them, then went back stage afterwards!):p
Originally posted by Eos
I saw them four times in four different countries last year :D There was Switzerland, France, Belgium and Germany. Actually all the gigs were fucking great!! The one in Switzerland was maybe not AS great as the others. Peter had a really bad hangover cause of "some" (haha) vodka the evening before *g*. But with time (or probably more "with beer") he got more into it so the concert got better and better with every minute :)

I wanna move to Europe so I can see all the great bands!:cry:
Man I wanna see hypocrisy live to .................fuck!!!!!!

but as we are heaving great show here this year like Vader, monstrosity, hate eternal, maybe in flames next year....

hypocrisy is not a impossible dream but could that be soon!????????
Originally posted by a guy...
USA, land of stupid music. :bah:

hehehe :p ;)

Originally posted by a guy...
And I bet Switzerland has beautiful mountains and scenery too. :D

Well it is nice but I don't really like the mountains. I grew up more at the sea and therefore I can hardly wait for the summer holidays to go to Croatia and enjoy the beautiful sea there. This summer I'm also gonna visit Finland! Can't wait!! :) :)
Every time i've seen them they've kicked ass! But I am biased, but still, there's something about them! Best I've ever seen them was Dynamo99, and that gig had such an electricly good atmosphere, it just took my breath away!