Selling my gear at the moment / details of the deal


not really cuban
Nov 17, 2010
Hi guys,

I'm currently selling some of my gear (an amp and a guitar) and i got an offer from (obviously) an outlandish taker (I live in Germany).

I'm not sure about this at all, cause it somehow seems strange to me and I wanna share some details with you, dunno if this is a common procedure.

Thanks,i am still interested and Okay with the price and waiting for
recent pictures if you have.This is
how i will
want us to seal the transaction because i do not want any delay at all.So
all i am going to do is to issue
you a Certified Check/payment of 2000 € which will
be for both the shipping and your own money 300 € .So all i will want
you to do is when you receive the payment,deduct your own money and
send the remaining shipping funds Via western union to my
International Shipping Agent ,once he receives the balance, he will
come over to your location for pick up, now the
money wired to the shipper is his fees for his services,
transportation to your location and back to me, also for all charges
that may arise along this transaction cos i will want it to be
delivered to me safe and sound without problems,i shall send you my
shipper address as soon as i contact him.
So if this terms are okay by you i will need your contact address and
phone number so that i can forward to my associate who will be
issuing you the payment.
I look forward to your reply.

Any thoughts on this?
Strange, so this person is going to trust you with his/her 2000€ ? Maybe I'm not getting it? :Spin:

Maybe someone else can tell you better. Right now, I'm all like :hypno:
Def. reads like a scam to me, I'd leave that one alone... anytime someone wants to give you more money and then have you send some of it back it's a scam..

I don't get it myself, that's why I'm asking. Thought it's maybe a common practice in the US or whatever :)

And what really made me sceptical was his 2.000€ "offer".. I mean.. Seriously, it won't take 1.700€ for shipping, unless he's living on the bottom of the ocean. OK, guess I'm gonna ignore it since his second mail was a) totally strange and b) kinda unfriendly (told me to remove my ad immediately)
OK, thanks a lot! Sometimes even male intuition isn't that bad :D Unfortunately I still have my gear :( Maybe gonna put it up on ebay...

They are trying a fucking lot these days. And many fall.

edit: the check has no funds but as it's an international check, the bank "gives" you the money (they're lending it in fact). So after 2 weeks the check is returned so you end up paying the check costs, the return costs and maybe you spent all the money you have to return too. And obviously without your guitar and amp and the 1700€.
OK, thanks once again.. just wanna keep you up to date, cause its getting kinda hilarious :D


I am sorry for the late response, as i have just got back from a
Christian businessmen fellowship.

:D :D
Mine was a "Dad from NY who wanted to pay me his daughter Spanish language tuition" and I ended up with a 3000€ check sent from Russia. Yeah, maybe a NY'er speaking Google Translator English is possible but I saw on the internet this is obviously a scam and the method used.

Still have the check but I don't even think in going into the bank with it.

I was at the post office some days ago and I heard some workers there talking about a playstation and a check so I told him. The idiot wouldn't believe me at first till his mate told him something like "Are you dumb? can't you see it's a scam?"