Sennheiser e604 vs. e904


Jan 10, 2005
Anyone had the opportunity to try either of these? I just had a set of 4 604's come through here with a drummer for his toms only and they sounded great. Much like if you took an MD421mkII and an SM57 and blended them together, and made it small. The rim clips were awesome as hell too. I'm wondering if the $60 price jump to the 904 makes that much of a difference to make it worth it. Plus getting the 604 3-pack saves you like $60 bucks as well, good deal :) I'm thinking of getting like, 5 of these as tom mics, they performed really well tonight on toms, I might sneak in the drum room and throw it on the snare and get my boss to rattle off some snare stuff so I can hear what it sounds like on it. I have a feeling they're best for toms...but I will find out.

The main point here is if anyone has been able to use both and found why the 904 costs more, and if it's justly priced. Anyone?

006 said:
Anyone had the opportunity to try either of these? I just had a set of 4 604's come through here with a drummer for his toms only and they sounded great. Much like if you took an MD421mkII and an SM57 and blended them together, and made it small. The rim clips were awesome as hell too. I'm wondering if the $60 price jump to the 904 makes that much of a difference to make it worth it. Plus getting the 604 3-pack saves you like $60 bucks as well, good deal :) I'm thinking of getting like, 5 of these as tom mics, they performed really well tonight on toms, I might sneak in the drum room and throw it on the snare and get my boss to rattle off some snare stuff so I can hear what it sounds like on it. I have a feeling they're best for toms...but I will find out.

The main point here is if anyone has been able to use both and found why the 904 costs more, and if it's justly priced. Anyone?

hey man. i have 604s too and they are awesome indeed. i highly doubt that the 906's would be any "better" than the 604s. probably just alittle different. i would put the extra 60 bucks into drumheads for the losers who dont bring in new heads. seriously though, 57s, 421s, 604s, 906s, all that matters is good drums, good tuning and good drummer. the 604s will be great. i almost went 906s too, but hardly anyone has used them yet that i could find. 604s are proven. take it easy.
Thanks a ton man, you just completely answered my entire concern. Now I think I'll head on over to SweetWater's site and order the 3-pack plus two more. Thanks! :headbang:

One quick question though...on reading some reviews a few people said that the clips don't work all that great. However, the ones that came in here last night were perfectly snug on his toms. And even on the snare. Just wondering if I will have to watch out for any oddly designed rims...or is it just they didn't put them on properly?

I use them pretty regularly. Very occasionally I run into a rim that is too thick/thin for the clip to work. If I recall this has been only on vintage drums or wooden rims.
My main complaints w/ the clips would be placement limitations and of course resonance from the drum. Even on a stand tho, these mics are really easy to place due to the size.
unsilpauly said:
hey man. i have 604s too and they are awesome indeed. i highly doubt that the 906's would be any "better" than the 604s. probably just alittle different. i would put the extra 60 bucks into drumheads for the losers who dont bring in new heads. seriously though, 57s, 421s, 604s, 906s, all that matters is good drums, good tuning and good drummer. the 604s will be great. i almost went 906s too, but hardly anyone has used them yet that i could find. 604s are proven. take it easy.

Hey you forgot to mention Audio Technica ATM25's in your list. Ive used em recently in conjuction with the 421's and there pretty F -ing slick. Im tired of drummers smacking my 421's and the 604's also have that square screen that can be damaged easily too. The ATM25's are totally rugged and sound awesome.

Just thought i'd share that..... Seriously worth checking out IMO.:headbang:
egan. said:
My main complaints w/ the clips would be placement limitations and of course resonance from the drum. Even on a stand tho, these mics are really easy to place due to the size.

I agree. I have three BF 504's (604's predecessor) and I use them with stands because they sound better.
006 said:
One quick question though...on reading some reviews a few people said that the clips don't work all that great. However, the ones that came in here last night were perfectly snug on his toms. And even on the snare. Just wondering if I will have to watch out for any oddly designed rims...or is it just they didn't put them on properly?

the clips are really good imho. ive been using them for months now on my two kits and a few kits bands have brought in here. no problems yet. also, call big jon at alto music in ny. hell get you a better deal than sweetwater for sure. he is great to do business with.
John Haddad (Shiva Industries) said:
Hey you forgot to mention Audio Technica ATM25's in your list. Ive used em recently in conjuction with the 421's and there pretty F -ing slick. Im tired of drummers smacking my 421's and the 604's also have that square screen that can be damaged easily too. The ATM25's are totally rugged and sound awesome.

Just thought i'd share that..... Seriously worth checking out IMO.:headbang:
not forgetting them. ive tried them and dont think they sound any better than anything else. its all about the tuning and the drums and the drummer. mics get smacked by drummers, nothing you can do about that. i have yet to have a mic break from a drumstick so it isnt really a concern for me. the 604s are just a great deal for what you get, nothing more to it than that.
Well, the whole point of me getting the 604's instead of using a set of the 421's we have is so that I can use the clips and not have to worry about mic stands. The 421's are huge, get in the way, and have to be placed using a stand, sometimes drummers are extremely anal about where their drums are, and 421's typically require them to move some shit around. The 604's would make things a lot easier. They sound just as good as the 421's we have, a little different but still pretty similar. I like them. I'll check that guy out in NY and see what he can do for me. Thanks for the replies guys! :headbang:
