Sennheiser MD421 opinions?


On The Fields Of Life
Jul 12, 2005
Greensburg, PA
I've been thinking about getting an MD421 to pair with my SM57. I've heard some great clips of this mic, I was just wondering how well it matches up with a 57? Only thing I don't like is the price. Also, I saw a white one on Ebay where the guy claimed it sounds warmer and better than the newer ones...I'm sure that's bullshit, but maybe not?

Any opinions are welcome. Thanks guys! :rock:
The 421 sounds "scooped" next to a 57... mixed together you can get great results. I've never used an "old" one, so I can't comment on that, but it sounds like BS.

I also think the 421 is awesome on Toms, if you do live drum recording.
The 421 has a scooped sound compared to an SM57. The older silver (or white, whichever) ones do have a warmer sound. James Murphy is a fan of those silver/white ones, I'm sure he could deliver a more useful opinion than I could. I use a set of 421's for toms, they have a scooped sound, so it helps to get the metal sound right off the bat. I sparingly use one on guitars because it's very easy to end up with too thin of a sound with that mic. If you've never used one before, I would caution you from getting too happy about getting one, you will probably be disappointed for the first few times you use it because it's not an "easy" mic to work with, unless you are use to it and know where to boost and cut specifically. Best bet is to blend it with another mic like an SM57 or e609 or i5. Something with good midrange. :)

I own both, and to me the MD421 II version sounds a bit brighter and clearer. When compared to 57 the older version sounds muddy to me. If it's the "real" old version (MD421N) you'll need an adapter cord from Neutrik->XLR too.

I did get pretty good results with it when used with the 57. The 57 pointing straight and the 421 in an angle. I still prefer the 57 for the angled mic though, it's a lot more crunchy.
it's a great mic to have in your mic locker... probably not as your only mic though.
on the last cd i did, i used a 57 directly into the cone with a 421 off axis..sounded pretty good to me, i got some pretty fat tones out of it too..i read in some magazine that thats what zakk wylde does too