Separating Leads and Harmonies - Help!


Mar 26, 2011
Newport S.Wales
Hey guys, need a little help here, I've got some leads going on that sound quite cool but when some harmonies come in (around 15 seconds) everything starts getting a little muffled.

Using pod xt for leads, harmonies panned -50/+50

So far I am tracking the harmonies with a t-75cab to scoop a bit through the mids but it doesn't seem to be helping much, also used different EQ's from the lead. The reverb on the later harmonies isn't on the first set that come up.
Please ignore the shitty tracking, this is just laying down ideas.

Would a different amp sim help at all?

This is a problem I am constantly running into, any help would be much appreciated.

link: Battle.mp3
I would not use a different amp sim...the problem is deciding what needs to be heard and bringing that up in the mix. Sure you can EQ until they all fit together, but your best bet is panning and volume automation.
what i do is double track leads. playing both tracks the same way, until the harmony comes in, where i will play the original riff on one side and the harmony on the other.
what i do is double track leads. playing both tracks the same way, until the harmony comes in, where i will play the original riff on one side and the harmony on the other.

Yeah that definitely works but on this piece I've got a lead and a two part harmony playing something different underneath.

I'm greedy and want both parts to be clearly audible without conflicting too much and this is where my problems lie!
I would suggest left original in middle and harmonies panned each side maybe 50%-70%. Harmonies not always need same loudness but automate volume on all them.
I would suggest left original in middle and harmonies panned each side maybe 50%-70%. Harmonies not always need same loudness but automate volume on all them.

already doing that dude, as I said, its bringing clarity to both parts that are playing different things that is the problem. I don't want to sacrifice clarity for a busier mix.

Maybe I'll try different amounts of gain, compression and delays.
First check that they are in the key (you'd be surprised that a lot of the times when there is a problem with clarity it has to do more with arranging/composing and not with the mix itself). You could also try to transpose certain licks an octave up/lower. Then - automate, automate, automate.
its definitely in key and atm the rhythm is 1-2 octaves lower than the harmony lead which is an octave below the main lead.

are you guys listening to the sample I put up?

My monitoring situation isn't great (infact it's absolutely shit) but the problem seems to lie with the all the different parts being clear (or not) together. I think automating an EQ to cut some mids in the main lead whilst the harmony lick is playing under it might be the way forward but I havent had any luck so far :(
Are you using the same sound for leads AND rhythms? How much have you panned the rhythms?
I think the center lead is too loud at the moment. The harmonies might be a bit too quiet and/or panned a bit too close to the rhythms, give the neck pickup a shot on those harmonies.
But I believe the main problem is that the leads and rhythms sounds too similar.
Are you using the same sound for leads AND rhythms? How much have you panned the rhythms?
I think the center lead is too loud at the moment. The harmonies might be a bit too quiet and/or panned a bit too close to the rhythms, give the neck pickup a shot on those harmonies.
But I believe the main problem is that the leads and rhythms sounds too similar.

rhythms are lepou and leads are podxt. lead is probably too loud, ive been mixing rather quiet lol. rhythms panned 100%/80% and harmonies panned 50%. both lead soundds are the same. will try different lead tones.