Sepia Dreamer - Portraits of Forgotten Memories

Bleakest Harvest

\m/Misanthropic Hippy\m/
Nov 11, 2001
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Sepia Dreamer - Portraits of Forgotten Memories
Independent Release - OTRCD001 - 03/2004
By Patrick Walsh


Portraits of Forgotten Memories is the culmination of a two-man project of Swedish and UK origin. Sepia Dreamer span a vast array of metal sub-genres, and this 40-minute, one-track album presents a very interesting and varied prospect to those in need of something a little different.

Being an instrumental band can often lead to a certain 'emptiness' within the music, whereby the noticable lack of vocals will detract from the impact of the work, for it can be quite a daunting task to keep purely instrumental music constantly engaging, especially within the realms of such a visceral style of music as metal. Thankfully, Sepia Dreamer just about pull this off on Portraits of Forgotten Memories, for as a whole it twists and weaves wonderfully from section to section, rarely feeling too juddery and flowing remarkably well in places, especially considering the contrasts that make up this work. Particularly impressive are the duo's ability to weave tantalising emotional build-ups that more often than not explode into a scintilating array of sharp-as-you-like riffs and searing double bass work. Other passages display a well-realised penchant for melodic leadwork, and the album is underpinned by an array of synth and piano flourishes that thankfully act as a backdrop to the fairly excellent guitar-work on display throughout. Portraits of Forgotten Memories is as comfortable a bedfellow to Meshuggah as it is to Iron Maiden and even Opeth, and if that doesn't have you interested then nothing will. Sepia Dreamer showcase enormous potential with this release, and their upcoming album The Sublime is definitely one to keep an eye out for in the near future.


Sepia Dreamer's Official Website
man I haven't logged in here in a while :err: anyway.... You have my word on this, Sepia Dreamer is absolutely brilliant. This is something great for all you doom and prog fans out there, it's more than a good album, it's a great experience :D
Bleakest Harvest said:

I thought the album lacked any musical ability whatsoever, and its crappiness was further increased by the fact that Hopkins is a Welsh turd.
Ifurin said:
I thought the album lacked any musical ability whatsoever, and its crappiness was further increased by the fact that Hopkins is a Welsh turd.
It seems then that you know little about musical ability :p Sepia Dreamer is, as they say in "the hood," the shizzle. You're obviously just jealous that Hopkins, being in Wales, has far easier access to sheep than you do.