Sept 11, Afghanistan, Egyptian fundamentalism and other ramblings


New Metal Member
May 9, 2001

What To Do

Afghanistan's Taliban regime is at best indirectly involved with the September 11th hijackings. (The Bush Administration admits that it couldn't indict Osama or the Taliban on the evidence it currently possesses.) Follow the passports: 18 out of the 19 hijackers were Egyptian; 1 was Saudi. The smart money points to one of the Middle East's most venerable militant Muslim organizations, Gama'at al-Islamiyya, or the Islamic Group. Founded by Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman, currently serving a life sentence for the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, Gama'at al-Islamiyya is best known for the November 1997 massacre of 62 tourists at the Temple of Luxor in Egypt and the assassination of Egyptian president Anwar Sadat in 1981. Though the Islamic Group is composed of numerous splinter cells whose ideology varies, they share a common aim: the replacement of the secular government of Hosni Mubarek by an Islamic theocracy. The Islamic Group resents the U.S. for propping up the Mubarak government as well as Israel.

Egyptians are, according to most reports, the main suspects for September 11th. So why are we attacking Afghanistan? American intelligence should work with the Egyptian government to track down any members of Gama'at al-Islamiyya who had anything to do with the New York and Washington attacks and put them on trial for mass murder. Arresting murderers ought to take precedence over bombing the places where they trained.

A targeted approach would demonstrate to all but the most fanatic elements in the Arab world that the United States is a nation whose retribution takes place in a measured, just manner. It would also serve to destroy the one network to have drawn the most American blood -- and reduce the odds of a repeat performance.

Though we should continue providing economic and military assistance to Israel, that aid ought to be predicated on several conditions. First, all Israeli settlements in the Palestinian territories ought to be closed. Second, Israel should guarantee an end to its more egregious human rights abuses, such as the demolition of Arab homes and rocket attacks on civilian targets. Finally, internal border blockades of Gaza and the West Bank should be permanently halted. This bilateral policy -- supporting Israel while refusing to tolerate religious apartheid -- would show that we stand behind our friends but only to the extent that they behave in a civilized fashion. Best of all, it would end an absurd state of affairs in which a superpower is repeatedly manipulated by a resource-free desert nation the size of New Jersey.

We should drop sanctions and military action against such nations as Iraq and Afghanistan in exchange for verifiable assurances that neither nation will harbor terrorists who target the United States. Then we should pour in humanitarian assistance to show ordinary Muslims that Americans care about their plight. Let a co-opted postwar Taliban root out Al Qaeda and other groups in their territory; it's a hell of a lot easier to let the locals do our dirty work than to send in American ground troops.

But first, let's stop this stupid bombing.
In my opinion the way the USA works is 90% to give the Americans satisfaction of revenge. well, it gotta be. my country serrounded by a dozen of terror organizations that we're fighting against them 50 years before we had a country untill now(thats more than 100 years). does the USA come and fight against those organizations? no, they prefer bombing woods in Afgahnistan. not only, they also ordering us to be less agressive against these terror organizations. its killing me how absurd things can be. I heard that there were talking to get Syria and Iran into that "anti terror countries". what a crap, Syria giving huge economic and national support to terror organization such Hizballah since always. and Iran??? Iran??? come on...
isnt that hypocricy? am I the only one smelling oil when this subject get into my mind??
I feel so much hate against the USA goverment and the UN. both are extremely corrupted. want example? couple of months ago 3 Israeli soldeird got kidnapped from the board of Lebanon by the Hizballah(mentioned them before). after an investigation Israel found out that UN messangers that also was in that area helped the Hizballah murders to kidnap the 3 soldeirs in return to some lots of money(which guess where came from? Iran). in the beggining the UN denied any resposibility and after a while admitted. I have to say the 3 soldeires havent been returned. and I won't be surprised if you havent heard about this story at all, as the CNN and the europian media publish what they feel like to(hmm, wondering why...).

now for another things you've said..
Originally posted by Wolff

Though we should continue providing economic and military assistance to Israel, that aid ought to be predicated on several conditions. First, all Israeli settlements in the Palestinian territories ought to be closed. Second, Israel should guarantee an end to its more egregious human rights abuses, such as the demolition of Arab homes and rocket attacks on civilian targets. Finally, internal border blockades of Gaza and the West Bank should be permanently halted. This bilateral policy -- supporting Israel while refusing to tolerate religious apartheid -- would show that we stand behind our friends but only to the extent that they behave in a civilized fashion. Best of all, it would end an absurd state of affairs in which a superpower is repeatedly manipulated by a resource-free desert nation the size of New Jersey.

-I won't touch in the settlements subject as its much more complicate thing to explain than you think.
-this human rights abusing you talking about isnt so popular as you see on TV. and its happening in every country that in war.
-about the demolition of Arab homes. just for you to know, these are illegal buildings. and to add, many "homes" that have been destructed, have been so becuz "someone" was shooting rockets from them into Israelies cities and risking human lives. dont tell me your goverment wouldnt do the same, and even more.
-rockets against civilian targets?! these are terrorists! those people arranging and sending to here people to explode themselves inside public places and murder 30 innocent people. the Palestinian authority refuse to catch them. what do you want, that we'll do nothing against them? where is your "war against terror" spirit, kid?
I gotta add to that, that the USA get a big return for their support. so they shouldn't play some much as a guardian angel or something. Israel's security forces shares very valueble information with USA everyday(btw, there was a warning from the Mossad(like the Israeli CIA) to the USA that a big terror act is about to come 2 weeks before the trade center event). and believe me, that if it wouldnt have been "paid off" we wouldnt get any support. but of course your media will never publish such facts.
And if you havent noticed, the Palestinian authority is maby the biggest terror organization ever. how long will take the world to understand that? this is truely a sad thing. everyone are like this "make peace! stop the war!", its so fucking impossible as there is no one to talk to without stabbing a knife in your back.

The war against terror should take place everywhere. we should extinct every terror organization, and supporters. those sub humans dont deserve for the gift of life. Im talking about countries/Authorities that since always supported terror, like: Iraq, Iran, Syria, Egypt, the Palestinian Authority.

Ok, Im done here. sorry, but I had to put this out from my heart to somewhere. and sorry if anyone got offended or anything.
wow, you hit it right on the fuckin head man! thats exactly what im pissed off about.... all these people are saying we cant bomb, or attack, or we cant do this or that, becuase we're just doing the same thing back to them, and blah blah blah... they dont realize that this is for SELF PRESERVENCE... this is so the majority of the world's population can CONTINUE LIVING... duh
No. The bombings at Afghanistan are to get certain American groups (= the oil and weapons industry) more money. They have nothing to do with self preserve, for these attacks will just cause more hatred against Americans -> more attacks -> more counter-operations -> more money for the military industry. Read the other post Wolff posted (yep, the long one).

To Kabab, I see your point, but you are very bigoted yourself. Mossad is also a terrorist-organization with thousands of innocent civilians killed around the world, not just in "your" land. And your government does absolutely NOTHING to imprison those people, quite the contrary, they are held as heroes. Ariel Sharon would have been executed in Nürnberg, had he been judged there.

The Palestinian buildings are no more illegal than the jew setlements - actually, they are less so. Also, the ratio of "terrorist" houses destroyed towards "innocent" houses destroyed is something like 1:100 -> Israeli army just wants to destroy the morale of a typical Palestinian by destroying their homes and property.

And let's take a look at the numbers of people killed: Israeli army has killed about TEN TIMES AS MANY INNOCENT CIVILIANS as the Palestinian freedom-fighters you call terrorists. The Israeli government is a group of fascist terrorists to my eyes.

And let me assure you - the European media (unlike the blind followers of American money like CNN) covers pretty well ALL the happenings in Israel - I claim that I know MUCH more than you about the overall political situation there due to my wider perspective, whereas you may know more of the "small things" down-to-earth.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the Palestinians or Hizbollah are the good guys - I'm just saying that you are just as evil. If suddenly a "god" came and killed every terrorist on earth, thousands of Israeli people would die alongside the Palestinians(and thousands of Americans as well) - and yet there were millions of innocent Palestinians remaining.

-Villain (against terrorism = against CIA and Mossad)