Sept. 11


Space the final frontier
Nov 5, 2001
Denver Colorado
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I was looking though some of the old threads that have been made and one of the most replied was of the world trade center getting hit by planes. And as I was reading them it really hit me about

1. how isolated the U.S is that it didn't see this coming

2. how desasterous this was and what it has done to the whole world

Right now even though it's been 3 months since it happend it still seems so unreal like it didn't really happend it was only a dream, but I never wake up. I wish that America would stop trying to police eveyone. I mean there is no reason for the whole world to be ruled by one kind of goverment, which is what lot of americans think. That every goverment should be a democracy. I mean there are advantages but don't you think that that would make other contry's like america, where they isolate the people from what's going on over seas, because the american economy runs the world. I think that's fucked up!!!! I think that I've missed out on a lot of things being isolated in this fucked up country. It seems that everyone likes Bush but he's a fucking moron. It seem like for some stupid reason that people convinatly forgot that he got a DWI (driving while intoxicated), and he didn't know the president of China's name along with other world leaders. And than how his brothers state happend to be the only state that messed up there election count.

He was deffinatley placed there by someone, even if you listen to him speak, when he isn't reading from his script he sound like an idiot. Sorry I didn't mean to get pollitical, but it seems that if someone like Bush can get elected than something is deffinalty wrong. Why is it that who ever get the most time on T.V gets elected, I mean there were pleanty of other canadites that where a lot better than him. Well enough pollitical talk.

As I'm sitting here typing not even sure if anyone is going to read this whole thing I'm very sadend by the devistation over the wtc and the pentagon, I happend to be fortunate enough that no one I know personally was killed it either insadent but I don't feel whole anymore. I feel like a big chunk of me is missing. Why did this happend? Why is america always trying to bully everyone just cause they don't have the same belives that we do? Who said that the only why to hevan is if your a Christian? or Cathlic?

I'm sorry for wasting your time if you want to post anything after this you are more than welcomed to. If not, it doesn't matter
yea im kind of sick of it too. im sick of this anti-american talk bullshit. just let things be. and why is any other government better. We are free (could be more free) but there is stupid fucked up people in the world that we need to take percautions.
I would not go as far as free, but i will not argue with you because i think are goverments are equally gone to hell by now, and that is just a reflection of the mankind's state....
Maybe I'm sick of hearing every little detail - which on a daily basis you hear speculation first, then debate, then proof. That I'm sick of - but to say I'm sick of it in general is wrong. It was a big event - real big. You can't deny that. Forget about America, and how we screw up. It's not about America, and not time to bash us - it's about the event that day. Terrorism has been around for a long time - Sept. 11th just brought it to our soil. Other events happen - deaths, war, etc., but these spread over time. For a moment in time to be so nig - that's the striking part.

Look at the images of Sept 11th - it still is and will always be surreal, just like the Challenger disaster, or even the Blizzard of '78 here in the northeast. It was an event of magnitude - those type of events never go away.

But the only "sick of" is the daily battering of information. Just tell us when something major happens. I don't need to hear for 60 days that they're bombing the hell out of a city - just tell me when it's gone. Tell me when Bin Laden is found - don't tell me day after day that he might be hiding in the hills.
Well they gotta say something, and he wont be found, and i strongly doubt he or anyone related to him did it, the whole thing just look like other major U.S.A. related incidents like pearl harbor or JFK it looks plain dumb the bin laden thing seems almost as dumb as the magic bullet thing to me. But they get pay to do news and they could get easy notes on the war. " O we found a piece of crap in the desert that has anthrax on it and the soldier that found the piece of crap is severely sick, is not known if this is because of the anthrax or the fact that he was picking crap off the ground with his bare hands but the labs are looking in more as it develops"

See? top news
Yes, they have to had said something. One of the main things I heard when the attacks happened, was that the USA forces wanted to bring "those who were responsible" to "justice".

How about the people who comandeered the planes and flew them in a suicide dive into those buildings?
Are they not responsible for it? Or were they being controlled by Osama's magical mind powers?

And the concept of Osama Bin Laden not even existing at all is a valid one: this would give them the "legitimacy" to:

1) Attack the Taliban, and replace them with a "peace keeping" force that will govern the country. This will allow them to exploit the people and national resources, providing more wealth and power to the American State and those who are also involved.

2) Attack other terrorist/freedom fighter/milita's factions, with the backing of the people in the hopes of crushing terrorism.

3) Take over more land and populations, to increase the financial and power wealth of the parties involved.

4) Create new policies and parties to enforce them, behind the mask of "legitimacy" and with the peoples consent, in order to "crush terrorism" and "restore peace".

Well, I think that's all I had to say. Thus I must stop.
