September 19: Talk like a pirate day.

Come down my end of the country. I'll send you off to the undesireable end of the city/Cornwall, and you'll be happy :)

In the meantime...."she make fine meat, does she!"
Caption this...

ARRRRRRRR!~!!!!!!!!11111 I'm drunk.

Piorates of the Caribeieian makes Disneyland worth visiting, seriously.

Has it changed? I haven't been there in lik... 7 years or so, but it was the same then when I was like 0.2 or whenever I first went on it.

Seriously that ride kicks ass. Disneyland is pretty gay, unless you bring a chick and get head on the Haunted Mansion (which has never happend to me, damn sluts :erk: ), but Pirates fucking RUL:ES. Those drunk dudes chasing wenches gives me reason to live and shit.
it was closed when i was there, as well as the 20,000 leagues under the sea and the swiss family robinson treehouse *shakes her fist*....but the haunted mansion was cool. i got quite enough of its a small world and the hall of presidents *yawn*
i got kicked off it's a small world for humping the singing norwegian doll thingies

edit: thhahahaha that was my bro he's a FAFG