Septic Broiler original demo on Ebay

Don't worry, looking at the bid page there is plenty of interest and you will get a very good deal, don't need to advertise more :-)
In the demo says "Produced by Tomas and S.B.". Does anyone knows who are these guys?
S.B. is probably Septic Broiler. No idea who Tomas is.
S. B. = Septic Broiler, off course, I'm so stupid...
Tomas, I was thinking Tomas Lindberg from At The Gates (because he does growling vocals in one of the tracks), but there he is credited as Tompa Lindberg, so I'm not sure...

Maybe Caotico can help us, plsz?
Off the top of my head I would guess Tomas Skogsberg.. I don't know where they recorded this demo but a lot of Swedish bands around this time recorded in Sunlight studios so I don't think it's too far fetched.
On the other hand.. Tompa is another version of Tomas so there's always the chance they mean him.. although I don't think he's that much into producing.
I'm gonna go with Mr Skogsberg as my final answer.
Probably not Tomas Skogsberg nor Tompa.
In the credits Tomas and Tompa are greeted in separate places. And the demo was recorded at Fablen, not Sunlight.
The mistery remains...