serbs innocent

I am not saying whether genocide occured, I am saying I thought this would be about NATO going 'oops, I guess they didn't after all!' The truth of the matter and when it's accepted as such are often far apart in geopolitics.
genocide is one of those hazy grey areas in politics because it's just so easy to mistake someone comitting it. invade a country: genocide. kill a few thousand people: genocide. taking a shit: genocide.

azal knows what i'm talking about
I dunno I think of genocide as specific acts committed to destroy (portion or a whole of) a people (as in, a culture). like, the Katyn Forest massacre and subsequent Soviet slaughter of the Polish elite did not kill enormous numbers of people (thousands, rather than the millions of the Holocaust), but it was specifically targeted at the intelligentsia in a specific effort to irreparably damage or destroy Poland as a culture/people.

killing a lot of Muslims in an effort to remove them from an area and intimidate the non-dead ones into leaving or ceding power seems attached to that.

the question here I think is whether Serbia the entity directed the ethnic Serbians who weren't Serbian nationals. and I think neglect should count, and Serbia WAS found culpable for that stuff, so I think it's perfectly clear to consider them guilty of genocide even if the law provides for a line between "well we knew but pretended we didn't and told them not to tell us anything" and "yeah we killed em!"