Serious Inquiry / Real Drum Recording


Sep 21, 2006
Hey guys,

I am doing the color morale's next record and I want to do an all natural, no samples drum sound. This isn't possible at my current location, so I am looking for anyone here who could have us come out to your studio and record them with you.

Please send me some drum recordings that you've done in the past, at your studio, that are all natural. You can PM me or email me at joeyismusic @ yahoo dot com

Please don't reply unless you have some real outboard gear for recording drums (high end AD/DA, 1176's, distressors, neumann's, api, etc. etc.)

Joey, check this place out.

Close to me and not too far from you. Email Joe Viers, his contact is on the site, he is the owner. I can send you some samples of bands that have recorded there, the drum sounds he gets are phenomenal. I'm sure you would be able to do the same.
I know for sure those are because I was there when they tracked and mixed it. I was really surprised at how little outboard and plugins he used, most of the tone is from that Amek 9098i console. It really is a fantastic piece of gear. If you want dude's number just let me know and I'll put you in touch.
This is largely a hobbyist, semi-pro forum. I highly doubt many people here have Neumanns, high-end AD/DA, a huge drum room etc. Why don't you hit up Gearslutz, or proactively search your local area for large studios? Surely there have to be some around Indiana. Studios of the caliber you're after are usually not hard to find because they are heavily advertised or revered in the area they exist.

@arv_foh: Digging the clips of the band you posted. Really like the natural thing he's going for. Very vibey... very different to what I shoot for, but can respect it all the same.
how far are you willing to travel?

Cause I would suggest maybe trying to contact Glenn

I'd certainly be down for it, but I'm about 5 hours from the Indiana border, and on the other side of the international border. Not too sure if it would be worth the hassle.

My drum room is small, but well treated, and I do have some nice gear... Great River, API, Vintech, Distressor (no 1176 tho) RME converters, and a lot of nice mics. (hell, I'd go grab a pair of km184's if you're serious) I've also got a 7 piece DW collector's maple kit & a few extra snares, plus a Girbraltar rack for easy custom placement.

If you want to hear my drums, check out:
First track on the player is "As the Empire Falls" by Final Stage. All real drums, no replacement, cut last July.
distance isnt really a problem the band tours the us extensively.

also i have a lot of gear of my own that i can bring.

the main reason im not contacting huge studios is because even with awesome gear, they do a terrible job with drum sounds. im looking more for a place WITH a person that's going to make this happen, rather than just paying someone 500 dollars a day for an empty studio.
If I were in your position, taking budget in to consideration of course, I'd think about which engineers, producers and/or studios have recorded the drum sounds that I would want my record to have and then go hire those guys.

We all have opinions about who gets great drum sounds. I'm sure there are a few people whose work you hold in high regard.
Joey, do you want a COMPLETELY real drum sound? Or do you want to sample that kit afterwards? Achieving a natural drumsound that fits into color morales genre isn't possible without sampling in my opinion... though I'm pretty interested in what you're going to do. ;)
Btw, I'm into recording real drums and could help you out here in Germany, but I think this would be a LITTLE bit too far away.