Seriously considering leasing a MacPro

So, even though I'm not an Apple fanatic by any means, I still do love OS X and my current PC is getting a bit old. If I end up getting a new computer, I'm going Mac. This is not open for debate, and I don't want to hear any Mac vs. PC arguments, since I use both on a daily basis and am fully aware of the facts :)

Furthermore, I really need to quit smoking. It's something I've been wanting to do for a long time, but now I finally feel like I'm gonna quit. I spend exactly 4,40€ per day on smokes, which is about 130€ per month and 1600€ per year (a shitload of cash for getting lung cancer, eh?). I found out I can get a quad-core Nephalem MacPro on company leasing, with a two-year paying period, after which I can buy the machine for a mere 160€. The monthly "rent" would be about 100€, so it would be easily covered with the cash I save on not smoking.

Of course, I could just quit smoking and put the money away for a while, but I know myself, and an economic ultimatum is the only way I get myself staying away from picking up smoking again.

Am I complete moron for planning this? :D
Sounds like a plan to me dude, I am the same way... The only way I managed to stay off junk food and lose weight was to have a competition with my roommate to see who could go the longest without eating any junk food, and the loser had to give the winner $100 :lol: Worked like a charm!
Do it, if it works best for you. Especially if you feel like you can quit smoking without the help of nicotine gum or other shit like that... Also, when using a Mac the urge to smoke is considerably lower :D

Anyway, if you decide to stop smoking, best of luck. I've been doing that for the past 2 years, failed, now back smoking regularily.
I strongly urge you to read Allen Carr's the easy way to stop smoking. I'm sure already you are laughing or cursing my stupidity as I did to the person that informed me of the book, but if you are as desperate as I was you will try it. And it WILL work. You have to read the book to fully drill it through your skull, but the basis of the book is to tell you not how expensive and unhealthy cigarettes are, but to open your eyes to how much BETTER everything will be once you stop. Once you realize this it becomes EASY to stop instead of being a chore and you ENJOY not smoking, as soon as you put out your last cigarette :headbang: I know this sounds like an ad campaign, but I'm really just pitching this to you because it worked for me and I want it to work for you. Be sure to post back when you quit and get that Mac :devil:

Allen Carr’s innovative Easyway method—which he discovered after his own 100-cigarette-a-day habit nearly drove him to despair—has helped millions kick smoking without feeling anxious and deprived.

Jesus fucking christ :lol:

And Jarkko, as a wise man once said - DEW IT BRAH! :D
Thanks a lot for the support, guys! I think this'll be my last pack, then! :) I'll have to start looking closer to my options, then. I'd really like to get the 2 x quadcore, but it's a bit too expensive.

good plan.
One thing you need to keep in mind is that, depending on what hardware is inside the Mac Pro, it could be very outdated in two years.

True, but at least around here the nice thing about Macs is that they don't drop in value nearly as much as PC's do. For example, I frequently see people paying about 500€ for an old PowerMac G5 DP :O
I strongly urge you to read Allen Carr's the easy way to stop smoking. I'm sure already you are laughing or cursing my stupidity as I did to the person that informed me of the book, but if you are as desperate as I was you will try it. And it WILL work. You have to read the book to fully drill it through your skull, but the basis of the book is to tell you not how expensive and unhealthy cigarettes are, but to open your eyes to how much BETTER everything will be once you stop. Once you realize this it becomes EASY to stop instead of being a chore and you ENJOY not smoking, as soon as you put out your last cigarette :headbang: I know this sounds like an ad campaign, but I'm really just pitching this to you because it worked for me and I want it to work for you. Be sure to post back when you quit and get that Mac :devil:

Thanks SO much for this dude! I've been looking desperately for SOMETHING besides going cold turkey or the gum/patch. I just can't afford it and I LONG to quit. I'm getting this book ASAP.

Funny thing, I want to go to school for Nutrition and be a Personal Trainer on the side but, I fucking smoke??? I'm in good shape and exercise 6x a week but DAMN if it isn't ass-backwards and retarded of my to continue killing my lungs, hindering my cardio and STUNTING my muscle growth.

Only thing is, I'm at my ideal weight and I've heard horror stories about people gaining 10-15 lbs. within the first 6 months. What was your experience like?

Mind you, I workout 6x a day (weights and interval training) and I track every single piece of food that goes into my mouth as well as sticking to a strict macro-nutrient ratio each day. I think most of the weight gain is coming from individuals who don't exercise and eat to fill the void?
Thanks SO much for this dude! I've been looking desperately for SOMETHING besides going cold turkey or the gum/patch. I just can't afford it and I LONG to quit. I'm getting this book ASAP.

Funny thing, I want to go to school for Nutrition and be a Personal Trainer on the side but, I fucking smoke??? I'm in good shape and exercise 6x a week but DAMN if it isn't ass-backwards and retarded of my to continue killing my lungs, hindering my cardio and STUNTING my muscle growth.

Only thing is, I'm at my ideal weight and I've heard horror stories about people gaining 10-15 lbs. within the first 6 months. What was your experience like?

Mind you, I workout 6x a day (weights and interval training) and I track every single piece of food that goes into my mouth as well as sticking to a strict macro-nutrient ratio each day. I think most of the weight gain is coming from individuals who don't exercise and eat to fill the void?

couldn't you just pound weights when you feel the craving? I find doing that when trying to quit something helps a LOT.
Meisterjäger;8581117 said:
couldn't you just pound weights when you feel the craving? I find doing that when trying to quit something helps a LOT.

That is indeed a good idea.. thing is, the cravings come a few times an hour but realistically only last around 3 min. BUT, it actually feels like a hell of a lot longer than that.

I'm committed to quit. Shit is stupid. I went around a month and a half, cold-turkey and it wasn't THAT bud. Just kept lots of gum around. Strange thing though, I become fairly lethargic which is a common effect of quitting.

Something to do w/your body re-adjusting it's metabolism (which can take 6 months to a year to get back to baseline) as smoking actually causes your body to burn up to 300 extra calories a DAY (from the metabo boost).

All in all, it's much worth it to quit in the long run, this I do know. F this Shhhh.

I can FEEL it hindering my gains in the gym. Everytime after a smoke I feel sick. My body is telling me to STOP. lol.

But, guess who isn't quite getting the message? :lol:
I googled the mentioned book and there are thousands of pdf copies floating around. Not that I recommend downloading the 300 kb pdf. Just an observation.
Yeah, to be honest I pirated it. I thought there was no way it would work so why would I buy it? After I quit I ran out and bought the book and I haven't been able to convince one person to even try it, not even my mom who watched me read the book and quit. So since I bought the thing and it hasn't been used, then that means that just ONE of you has the right to pirate it. Okay maybe I've gone off the deep end a little bit, but just get the book anyway you can... DO IT!! C'MON DO IT!!!
Yeah, to be honest I pirated it. I thought there was no way it would work so why would I buy it? After I quit I ran out and bought the book and I haven't been able to convince one person to even try it, not even my. So since I bought the thing and it hasn't been used, then that means that just ONE of you has the right to pirate it. Okay maybe I've gone off the deep end a little bit, but just get the book anyway you can... DO IT!! C'MON DO IT!!!

All I'm going to say is:


Amazing dude, quite amazing. I owe you one.
4,40€! you lucky bastard! smokes in ireland are €8.45

whats the specs on your current mac? have you considered upgrading components or building a hackintosh? (just trying to think of cheaper ways without getting into a contract)

leasing sounds good but if something goes wrong and you fail to pay the payments (you need the money for the doctor or something) what happens? are you crippled on interest?
4,40€! you lucky bastard! smokes in ireland are €8.45

whats the specs on your current mac? have you considered upgrading components or building a hackintosh? (just trying to think of cheaper ways without getting into a contract)

I'm on a C2D PC, so no Mac here yet. Hackintosh is definitely out of question purely because it's just as legal as using pirated software. I've experimented with OS X on different PC's out of curiosity, but I feel the same way about it as I do about cracked plugins. I don't give a shit if someone uses them for learning or just fiddling around, but the moment there's some sort of income involved, you gotta go legit.

leasing sounds good but if something goes wrong and you fail to pay the payments (you need the money for the doctor or something) what happens? are you crippled on interest?

That's one of the things I still have to look into, but if I got it right, it's possible to cut out on the deal before the two years are paid. But then again I shouldn't have to worry about it, since in the last four or five years I've not once left a pack of cigs in the store because I needed the money for something else :lol: