Seriously? Crustcore?

yeah....Crustcore has been around a while....mostly in the punk / anarchist scene. The grossest thing I saw one of those guys do was at the Milwaukee Metalfest....this one guy was digging in the trash and pulling out all the cups with beer still in it and pouring it into one cup and then drank it. I almost puked just watching it.
Shows what I know... I thought they were plain old Death Metal. :erk:

They are. In Battle There is No Law and War Master are what these "war crust" bands take their inspiration from. It's easy to get confused with all of these genres. I don't know who came up with them in the first place.
NO!!!! The ever-evolving trend of putting "core" at everything needs to stop NOW!
Lamb of God "Thrashcore"
Between The Burried and Me "Progcore"

I'm just awaiting the next big wave in heavier music when we've run out of things to put in front of core: Corecore, or as my friends and I have dubbed it... "Core2" (pronounced "core squared").

Since it seems that core just takes the basic elements of whatever genre it's merging with, Core2 is simply one note, played for half an hour. We figure it'll happen eventually.
I hate the fans of crust more than I hate the music...but it is a subgenre of punk, which is just not my taste.

That forum is nuts, though. A lot of assholes post there (or a lot of dudes pretending to be assholes due to their anonymity), but it can be entertaining every now and then.

Crust Core..... Sounds like what you find in the center of a pie...

Oh, and to add to the list:

and of coure
Crust Core is a mixture of crust punk and hardcore. I don't see how it's any different than describing something as progressive power metal. If you can get past the fans, there are actually some really good crust bands out there. A lot of them cite their main influence as Bolt Thrower's first 2 albums. If you keep an open mind, you might find some of it that you like.
Well said.

BTW Zod, the only band on this year's MDF that can remotely be considered crust is Bolt Thrower.
Sure, if it was 1987. But today? I disagree.
Sure, if it was 1987. But today? I disagree.

They are most definitely death metal. That's why I said "remotely considered." I was just trying to enlighten Mr. Zod on the crust sound. He is not familiar with the genres and the MDF board (where he heard the term crustcore) isn't exactly overflowing with information.
yeah....Crustcore has been around a while....mostly in the punk / anarchist scene. The grossest thing I saw one of those guys do was at the Milwaukee Metalfest....this one guy was digging in the trash and pulling out all the cups with beer still in it and pouring it into one cup and then drank it. I almost puked just watching it.

Thanks for reminding me Bob..........
I hadn't thought about that incident in about 6 or 7 years..........
So what I'm reading is that these so-called crusties have such poor hygiene that the nickname stems from the apparent notion that, in addition to avoiding bathing, they probably don't even bother to wipe their own asses which inevitably leads to a formation of crust which, in turn, leads to them smelling so badly it's necessary to stand upwind of them. That's just gross. They ought to run all those bums (no pun intended. or was it?) through a high=pressure car wash before every show.