Seriously--what product do I buy to run multiple amps at once


Oct 22, 2007
Hey guys, I want to track multiple amps at once and I'm floored with how much stuff is out there. Heres my options I think, unless you know of something better. BTW I don't think I will ever run more then two amps at the same time.

Little Labs PCP
Voodoo Labs Amp Selecter
Creation Labs MW1
Radial Big Shot ABY
Radial Twin-City ABY switcher
Radial Tonebone Switchbone
Radial JD7

I want the best. I wouldn't mind reamping down the line too. I already own a countryman 85 di and a little labs redeye. Do I sell these and just get the MW1???

I do mostly rock to metal projects if you need that info at all.

Thanks guys
Yeah I have heard the morley is crap and I really want the best.

Do you have experience with the MW-1? What did you like about it over the PCP and others?
Brilliant! I was just about to ask this very same question, I'll be micing 2 amps simultaneously.

My thoughts on these were that the JD7 and PCP were a bit overkill for me, quite pricey too. The Creation Labs MW1 is a rack unit which I don't want. I am leaning towards these:
Little Labs STD
Radial Twin-City ABY Switcher
Radial Big Shot ABY

I'm finding it hard to find reasons to go for one over the other though.

Both companies have great build quality and reliability as far as I've seen and heard, and both are in my budget. If I were to be going for 2+ amps I'd go for the Voodoo Labs Amp Selecter
the Radial X-Amp can reamp two amps at the same time

Really? I'd somehow managed to overlook this, this makes the choice even harder now. Although this is only for re-amping not live micing of two amps.

But sometimes I'm going to want to record two amps at the same time.

Hey AshM, I was just told good things about this product too that looks nice.

I totally forgot about this! This is already on my list the P-Split II looks very promising.

So in conclusion, we haven't reached a conclusion :)
Yeah I have heard the morley is crap and I really want the best.

Do you have experience with the MW-1? What did you like about it over the PCP and others?

I have personal experience with the JD-7 but not the MW1, but everyone I know that has an MW1 raves about it, so I figure you can't go wrong with either.
Man AshM, me and you are in the same boat hehe.

I posted this same topic at Gearslutz and Rig-talk also.

So far I'm leaning towards the MW-1 as everyone that has it has been raving.

I have heard a couple times now that the PCP changes your tone a little so I think that one is scratched off my list.

Does anyone know what sneap uses??
I have a JD-7 and absolutely love it. A few of the features that make it's high(er) price totally worth it....

-6 amps at once. Each with phase reverse, and ground lift. The FX loops on 5 and 6 are awesome too.

-Solid DI and Reamp options, as well as ground lifts on those too, and the drag control is awesome.

-Massively complex guitar rigs can be setup....

An example of this will be a session I'm working on right now.

AMP 1-Rectifier
AMP 2-5150

So without changing anything we can switch from clean to heavy to fx guitars, to bass without patching anything differently. I can leave all these amps up and combine as I see fit. It's a pretty amazing tool and I really recommend it to anyone looking for a splitter/amp combiner.
So far I'm leaning towards the MW-1 as everyone that has it has been raving.

Ideally I'd like to go for this or the JD7 but they're just out of my budget. Excluding the MW1's built in D.I and re-amp options, why is it better than say the Radial Twin-City ABY Switcher or Little Labs STD? I already have D.I boxes and a re-amp box you see...

I have a JD-7 and absolutely love it. A few of the features that make it's high(er) price totally worth it....

This would be everyone's ideal pick I guess but it's so much money!

I've been wondering, what are most people doing when tracking guitars? Are they putting the guitarist in the control room plugged into a splitter through to the live room/s where the amps are? Or mostly having the guitarist in the live room/s with the amps? I guess if it's a rack unit you need them in the control room no? Doesn't the length of cable degrade the signal?