
Dan Swanö

The Watcher
Nov 3, 2001
Hello everyone.
I am currently licking the wounds after a very tough Nightingale album recording/mix..and what better way of doing this than starting the massive transfer of old DAT tapes and Cassettes and then convert the whole to FREE MP3's. The one thing I need now is serverspace...Can you help?? There will be tons of goodies 80% totally unrelease stuff..the more space, the more goodies..I guess I will need around 500-700 MB of space to host all this magic stuf..we're talking all the old GHOST recordings, ICARUS stuff, unrelelased EDGE OF SANITY pre-productions, liverecordings, weird stuff like MORION, O :)the circle) demos, roughmixes and..maybe, if we get enough space, some cool videoclips aswell...if you know anyone that can help me..dont hesitate..together we can make to one of the coolest sites around MP3-wise...and remember to take that extra week of holidays this summer, to go thru the stuff!!!!

I really wish I could help, but I don't know any place where you could host it, other than It's a really nice thing of you to want to do this.
:Smug: Hm, when it will be around 700 MB, why not make a simple CD and sell it? When I think of my internet-bill after downloading it, I'd prefer to pay for a CD full of Mp3's.