- Jan 9, 2006
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Hey guys!
I am doing this research paper on custom guitar building and it is required that i include a survey with at least 20 people. So i would be stoked if you could help me out! THERE ARE ONLY FIVE QUESTIONS!
I'll provide you with the questions and all you gotta do is put the number and the answer beside each, as shown in the following example:
1. Do you like green tomatoes?
(Y)es or (N)o
1. N (...or maybe you do like em green but that's not the point!
And i must also ask you to comment on each. It doesn't have to be a whole essay
. Only something like the example shown below (Of course, I would still prefer longer answers since it would make writing my paper easier! ;D):
1. N
Comment: "I like em only when they taste like soil."
Okay, here it goes:
1. Custom guitar building is still a wanted profession nowadays.
(A)gree or (D)isagree
2. What is your experience with custom built guitars?
(B)uild them
(O)wn one/some
(H)ave played one before
3. Do you think that interest in the profession itselve has increased or decreased over the years?
(S)till the same
4. Custom guitar builders do their job mostly for the love of building the instrument rather than the money.
(A)gree or (D)isagree
5. Custom built guitars are superior in quality to machine built guitars.
(A)gree or (D)isagree
I am doing this research paper on custom guitar building and it is required that i include a survey with at least 20 people. So i would be stoked if you could help me out! THERE ARE ONLY FIVE QUESTIONS!
I'll provide you with the questions and all you gotta do is put the number and the answer beside each, as shown in the following example:
1. Do you like green tomatoes?
(Y)es or (N)o
1. N (...or maybe you do like em green but that's not the point!

And i must also ask you to comment on each. It doesn't have to be a whole essay

1. N
Comment: "I like em only when they taste like soil."
Okay, here it goes:
1. Custom guitar building is still a wanted profession nowadays.
(A)gree or (D)isagree
2. What is your experience with custom built guitars?
(B)uild them
(O)wn one/some
(H)ave played one before
3. Do you think that interest in the profession itselve has increased or decreased over the years?
(S)till the same
4. Custom guitar builders do their job mostly for the love of building the instrument rather than the money.
(A)gree or (D)isagree
5. Custom built guitars are superior in quality to machine built guitars.
(A)gree or (D)isagree