Custom guitar cab


New Metal Member
Sep 11, 2008
I've been toying around with the idea of building myself a custom cabinet for a while now, and i have finally gotten to a point where i feel im ready to start.

Before i do i wanted to check here and see if anyone else has done this before and could offer up any tips. Im using this guys site as a reference to my build:

My specs are pretty much the same as his, with a few inches difference here and there, also i wont be using tweeters and my design will be totally sealed.

So i have a few questions, he calls for 1/2" material, i was thinking of using 1" material for a sturdier build and to insure the cab wont rattle at all. Should i use 1/2" or go crazy with the 1" ? Im not concerned with the difference in weight the 1" will cause, but i want to know if it is even worth it as far as the sound of the cab in concerned.

If anyone has built a cab themselves it would be great if you could share some build pics, stories, tips and maybe schematics you used ? Anything will help. Thanks ! :kickass: