Set Lists for US shows April 2002


New Metal Member
Sep 9, 2002
Boston, MA USA
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Okay, there were 10 US shows this april...I persoanlly went to six and im sure others from this message board hit them all. I am trying to recreate the set lists for the shows I saw and the others...but need some help. Also, what did they play in New York, NJ, Virginia, St Loius (Imissed those shows)?
It seemed to me that the only songs they played at every show were Killing ground, Dragons Lair, Princess, Wheels of Steel, night they didnt play Court of the crimson king (Houston I think) and one night they didnt play conquistador/HMT (San Antonio), they played metalhead once (in Houston), they played This Town Rocks and Power and thye glory several timesa, but only playedSolid Ball of Rock once I think (Cleveland). They didnt play Dallas 1 pm at the houston show I think, they played thin Red line probably three dogs of war, no forever free, no and the Bands played on, no rock is our life