Setlist European?


Insignificant, am I ?
Jun 26, 2005
Utrecht, Holand
Sunday I will be attending the show at Haarlem. It will be the 3rd time Nevermore live (2003 Tilburg and 2005 Graspop), and I can't fucking wait (again)! Now I've heard some rumours that they will play some Sanctaury live, which we'll be more killer then killer. :rock: Someone knows what songs I can expect more (people who saw some European shows or something) besides TGE?

Firstly, tomorrow.....OPETH!!! :notworthy
theyll probably play

final product
psalm of lydia
sell my heart for stones or medicated nation
narco synthesis
river dragon
the heart collector
next in line
the learning
dreaming neon black
beyond within
no more will
the sorrowed man
tomorrow turned into yesterday...

who knows....
well, I believe nothing from the S/T ( :o ), nothing from In Memory, 2 from PoE, 2 from DNB, 732 from DHIADW, 3 from EOR and new stuff. have fun!!! :D
Tee said:
well, I believe nothing from the S/T ( :o ), nothing from In Memory, 2 from PoE, 2 from DNB, 732 from DHIADW, 3 from EOR and new stuff. have fun!!! :D

732? Hmm that can't be good. Dead Heart sucks compared to the other albums. I hope just all of TGE, the Learning and the rest Sanctuary :). :grin: