Tumn said:
Pop's at St. Louis rocked last night, got to meet Peter, got the Bloodbath guitar signed, and some other stuff!
Tumn came down from Indiana for the show here in St Louis. We met up before the show. A few minutes later, Peter showed up. I aproached him and he remembered me from the denver show (look at profile pic). I had him sign a few things along with the rest of the band. I told him "are you going to be at the strip club after the show?" Peter said "yea, most likely we will be there. I told him i would buy him a lap dance, but after the show, he said he had to pass on the offer. Seing Tumn's guitar being signed by Peter was an experience in itself. Just to think that guitar has autographs from Dan Swano, Mikael Akerfeldt and now Peter Tagtgren is truely amazing.
The show was fucking insane! The crowd was the most intense i have ever witnessed for a hypocrisy show (this was my 7th show). Lots of crowd surfing, moshing and lots of singing along. The setlist was as the previous posters put on here. Peter was really into it as he had alot of things to say to the crowd all during the show. I lost my hat during "Scrutinized", but retrieved it after the show. All in all, an amazing show!
After the show, i was waiting outside the bus with Tumn to talk to peter. he eventually came out and I told him "hey peter, lets go to the strip club so i can buy you that lap dance". He said "ahh man, i cant do that-I have something new going on" most likely meaning he is in a new relationship or something. He just went in with Mikael to watch Nile with beers in hand.
Tumn and I headed to my place to listen to some music. Crimson 2 made its way into the cd player. The crazy fact about that was that the guitar that Dan Swano played on that cd WAS IN MY FUCKING APARTMENT!!! Thats come crazy shit!
Enough of my ranting-all in all, a great show, and it was really cool meeting up with Tumn. Come on down for more shows at pops dude