setting up for Paramore tomorrow...


Apr 29, 2008
so sometimes I do stagehand work just for shits and a bit of extra money on the side. Tomorrow is Paramore and I'm thinking of burning my band's demo along with a note and sneaking it on their bus or dressing rooms or something.. it's not incredibly difficult(definitely risky but doable) to get to the bus and/or the dressing rooms.

I would gladly get fired if it could lead to even one slightly useful connection. I know Story of the Year got discovered in a similar way and probably a bunch of other bands too. My band is like pop rock with a metal twist basically so they may (or probably won't, lol) like it and pass it on to other people that matter?

any opinions?
actually upon further thinking, I think I'm gonna try talking to the guitar/drum techs before I try the sneaksy route. but yeah I'm pretty much gonna do it, I'm kinda just looking to see how many people think it's an exercise in futility, cause I'm pretty sure they are gonna throw it out before even listening to it lol
People give us stuff on the road too, honestly...they don't get heard unless the people that give em to us we know somewhat well. In other words...if you aren't hangin out on the bus, we don't listen to it lol. I say don't do it.
Raodside records is when a band gets a cd, they just throw it out the window onto the roadside anyway. It's a waste of time dude. It comes across kinda douchey if you ask me, cause you're abusing your power working there.
well that's disheartening but not surprising I guess. although, I feel like if I was in their position I'd probably listen to just about everything I was handed?
[UEAK]Clowd;9266173 said:
well that's disheartening but not surprising I guess. although, I feel like if I was in their position I'd probably listen to just about everything I was handed?

Seriously? 80% of signed bands are absolute shit - I don't even want to guess how many unsigned bands are terrible, too. If I was getting stuff day after day on the road, I just wouldn't care. If they're so desperate that they need to pass it on to a touring band instead of going through the proper channels or going through routes way more likely to get them heard by a record label, chances are they're not great as a band.

I don't mean to say that your band isn't good, I haven't heard you guys (sounds like I'd be into it, though!), but Paramore really don't have that much of a say in who gets signed by their label, if they even listen to it at all.
Paramore's record deal sucks anyhow, you don't want what they have (they have a shitty circle contract, unless they got out of it and I doubt that).

Anyhow, I was gonna come in here and ask that you:

1: Get a video camera.
2: Tape yourself yelling "Haley show us your tots!"
3: Tape yourself getting thrown out.
4: WIN!
Don't do it. You are working a job.

Theres a time to play fanboy, a time to try get your band signed and a time to work.

plus whats your employer gonna think. No one wants to hire "that guy" that keeps fucking off cause he is more interested in his band rather than making sure everything is patched correctly.

Take a cd along, if they start to talk to you and you can bring it up in conversation go for it.

but as I said I know I wouldn't wanna hire "that guy" again, Be a Proffesional.
Don't do it. You are working a job.

Theres a time to play fanboy, a time to try get your band signed and a time to work.

plus whats your employer gonna think. No one wants to hire "that guy" that keeps fucking off cause he is more interested in his band rather than making sure everything is patched correctly.

Take a cd along, if they start to talk to you and you can bring it up in conversation go for it.

but as I said I know I wouldn't wanna hire "that guy" again, Be a Proffesional.

wow... just looked into it. 360 deals really suck.
the only avenues a band ever makes from and now the label has a share of THAT.
Fuck them