Seven Kingdoms - Female Fronted Epic Power Metal from Florida

I can't get to Myspace from here at work. Do you guys have anything up on Youtube? I did find a Seven Kingdoms band on there, but I'm guessing it's not you guys.

There is one youtube video that was uploaded about 2 years ago that says "possibly the worst band in the world" HAHA That footage was taking with our old singer (hence the new one) and it was like our 3rd show as a band opening for Sonata Arcitca.

Its still not a bad clip, but its a terrible representation of Seven Kingdoms now-a-days. Theres a new clip from our show in Georgia that a lovely lady has uploaded :)

Its an ok video, we had some sound problems on stage during that first song (which is the song on the video) but other than that the sound got fixed after that song and the show was pretty killer..


we uploaded a new song that no one has heard yet except hoyt! lol just for you guys!
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Great new song Camden. When do you think you'll be ready to start promoting this to webzines for reviews and interviews? I reviewed the last album for Imhotep and loved it, already can tell this will be another strong album and I love your new singer.


i can send you the promo cd any time. I just dont have "pressed" ready to sell ones just yet that look like the last album. They will be here soon though. Claus from Intromental is doing our layout still. So if you can accept a promo cd in a paper sleeve ill send one soon! lol
So if anyone is going on the Triton Power Cruise, Seven Kingdoms just got confirmed as direct support for the pre party show that Thursday.

should be fun
Damn, sounds pretty good...definitely hear some Iced Earth in the Seven Kingdoms title cut, and I'm a sucker for the clean/growls vocal attack. So the new album will be released this year still? Seems like a definite purchase to me :kickass:
Thanks for posting the videos Kathy & Camden. Sounds very good! The video I found on my own must have been with the old singer.
Damn, sounds pretty good...definitely hear some Iced Earth in the Seven Kingdoms title cut, and I'm a sucker for the clean/growls vocal attack. So the new album will be released this year still? Seems like a definite purchase to me :kickass:

Yes Iced Earth is one of our favorite bands lol. Im in the process of finalizing the booklet/cd layout designs and should have some cds printed by the florida powerfest here on november 14th. (hopefully)

ill also get it on itunes, cdbaby, and a bunch of other online retailers. ill let everyone know when its ready to buy!

=should have some cds printed by the florida powerfest here on november 14th. (hopefully)

There's no 'should' or 'hopefully' about it. We will have copies to sell by Florida Powerfest anything less that that would be epic fail.

btw, the Florida Powerfest website is up, for anyone wanting to check out the event.

Florida Powerfest!
Here's some footage of us in the studio doing the new album! there's also a sneak peak at a new track in it that no one has heard yet just for you forum peeps :)

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Nice, so what was Morrisound like? Did you feel mystic waves of epicness emanating from the walls of the studio? :)

its really just cozy, I've worked with jim about 2 other times before this cd so we know each other pretty well. Its nice to have someone that really know what there doing to kinda be like you should try this. we always have a blast and have some really good laughs! lol but yes its cool that we get to work with the guy that does all the iced earth stuff so we kinda get the "howw they did it" secrets :OMG: