interview with Chris Broderick

I wish interviewers like this guy would stop solely reading from scripts and adjust the questions as they go on. Chris had to mention his music eduction twice. I would've liked the interviewer to expand on the John Petrucci comment - did he meet him briefly or work with him for a time? Chris also made a very interesting comment, "I would play any style of music to make a living..."; well, what kind of music is he playing to make his living?? Also, (not that I know anything about guitars) what kind of defects did the pricey classical guitar have??
ENGL stuff is dam good. I thought it was overhyped till I actually sat down & played through one. Mesa Boogie on the other hand....overhyped. (their bass stuff anyhow)
Force10 said:
I wish interviewers like this guy would stop solely reading from scripts and adjust the questions as they go on. Chris had to mention his music eduction twice. I would've liked the interviewer to expand on the John Petrucci comment - did he meet him briefly or work with him for a time?

A lot of interviews are sent by e-mail, so the interviewer can't respond to answers. The questions are written ahead of time, and the artist fills in their answers and sends them back...
Matt Crooks said:
A lot of interviews are sent by e-mail, so the interviewer can't respond to answers. The questions are written ahead of time, and the artist fills in their answers and sends them back...

I wouldn't call that an interview at all...

But thanks for the insight.