Sevenstring, where have you been?


May 7, 2004
Yarmouth, N.S. Canada
I miss your posts dude, I sent you an email not to long ago about drum programing never heard back from you.. havent seen you post in ages either.. where the heck are yah?
This is me.....I was reincarnated in the form of some wanna-be 15 year old boy.

Actually this isn't him....this is just some wanna-be 15 year old boy......but now that you mention it, I do play a seven string if that's close enough. :grin:
I've just been pretty busy, shred. Too much to do, to little time. heh.

Aside from my solo stuff, which is on-hold at the moment, I'm singing for three different bands. Between that and my software work, I'm so slammed I'm starting to forget what sleep is like.

I dug through my e-mails looking for the drum programming thing, and I can't find it. Do you still have it? Just re-send it, and I'll respond this time, I promise!
Hah ! Good to hear from you ... is the Leslie Spring email still active or is there another one i can reach you at?... ill log back in my emails see if i can find it... it was just a general question... just seemed as if we had the same influences etc... and I want to get into some home PC audio.. you seemed like the person to talk to..