Seventense (Melodic Death) - Impasse For Future

War_Blade said:
stop bumping this shit... no one cares about your ghey band...
when you'll have something at least half quality from that you will have the right to pip till than shut up
no one said you have to like them but don't feed us with shit like war_blade did
eh too much of this
000 000 0000000 000 000 000000 0000 000 00 00 00 000 000 000 000
guitar work
zabei nanivo,petruccio [Seventense], on prosta ne prayobistaya dalben'.
kak i mnogiye trugiye tut
kstate... ya ha4u yesho vashih pesin oslishat'
petruccio [Seventense] said:
i just wanted to show you new song...and why you sad to me "fuck off"? i have come with peace =)))
i know you come peacefully, but you have to let the thread go its regular course... bumping it all the time will make the other posters angry... really, go here if you want to self promote your band without problems:

"This forum is for plugging your wares - your zine, your band, your service (however tenuous to the metal scene), and it should be the ONLY forum you plug it in. We have created this forum to try and cut down on the commercial posts being posted everywhere - please use this forum for that kind of thing."