Seventense (Russia,Melodic Death) - Make Me Alive

Pretty good tune. I like the song, but it is more like Kalmah to me then CoB, just because Bodom doesn't have that "Melodic Death Metal" feel to it which this does.

I dunno if you did this in a studio or at home or what, but the drum mix is poor, the keys are to low, the toms sound like shit especially(like cans) and the kick is almost non existant(although i was listening with headphones.

I love the guitar work. except the one part 2:48, sounds pretty sloppy, may want to play that more defined or more in time? sounds like legato but i hear only 2 notes not 3.

Plus the top end has way to much eq. especial for the keys.
Silver Incubus said:
I dunno if you did this in a studio or at home or what, but the drum mix is poor, the keys are to low, the toms sound like shit especially(like cans) and the kick is almost non existant(although i was listening with headphones.

It was the headphones.On my monitors, the kick sounded HUGE!

That was my main love for this track actually, the kicksound.
The cymbals sounded weak though.

Besides that, i love it.
That's really good for a first recording! хорошая работа!!!