Sex, drugs and rock'n'roll.


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
I don't do drugs

Here we are all in the name of rock'n'roll, so:


With my apologies to the ladies :oops:
I don't do drugs. I've always wanted to try pot, but then again...... maybe not :)
Bryant said:
I guess that depends on how you classify "drugs". Caffeine alcohol and tobacco are all drugs.

You are correct, I myself have not "used" anything since July 4th, 1995!
That's the last time I drank. I hadn't used anything illicit two years before that. I'm a nut as it is, I couldn't imagine getting jacked up on narcotics!
Now I'm just fuled by Coffee & Smokes...
sixxswine said:
This pic would have the PETA folks & the Feminazies in an uproar.
I love it!
Why in hell PETA? Is not fur is leather, we eat the cow and use the skin. Is call intergral use of the dead animal, not like fur were they dispose the carcass like garbage.

As for Feminist, they are right is cheap use of the woman as a sex object. But I'm a short, bald, ugly, pig so waht do you expect?

Bryant said:
I guess that depends on how you classify "drugs". Caffeine alcohol and tobacco are all drugs.

Like I said: I DON'T DO DRUGS (the caffeine in Coca-Cola is minimal so I'm not counting it).
Ok then.... I don't do drugs anymore....

I am an ex-smoker. (I was a chain smoker for years!)
I am an ex-social drinker. (i like white wine, but no more.)
I only have a cup of coffee about once a week, (if I can't stay awake).

So yeah... I can say I don't do drugs.
delize said:
Ok then.... I don't do drugs anymore....

I am an ex-smoker. (I was a chain smoker for years!)
I am an ex-social drinker. (i like white wine, but no more.)
I only have a cup of coffee about once a week, (if I can't stay awake).

So yeah... I can say I don't do drugs.
Well I dont ..... Drink anymore! that counts for something Right!?!
delize said:
Ok then.... I don't do drugs anymore....

I am an ex-smoker. (I was a chain smoker for years!)
I am an ex-social drinker. (i like white wine, but no more.)
I only have a cup of coffee about once a week, (if I can't stay awake).

So yeah... I can say I don't do drugs.
Good for you. The human body don't need any of that stuff. And unless a serious sickness or pain don't need "legal" drugs (aka pharmaceuticals) either.

Does that mean we are vice free? Hell no! My vice is to buy CDs, I love to purcahse more and mode and expand my collection. I like to go to the gym and make exercise with heavy metal balsting in my walkman. I love to go as often as possible with friends to the movies.

We don't need no drugs to keep us joyful and going on. You have all you need inside is called free will.

Let's rejoice in our music, our families, our friends, our forum.

The greatest times, I've ever known

They're locked inside o' me and carved out of stone

I've broken hearts

Made people sing

I've drove a million miles

I've done everything

I'm a rocker, Oh oh

Do as I feel as I say

I'm a rocker, Oh oh

And no one can take that away

Bring on the night

That's when I live

I come alive inside

Give all I can give

I live each day

Like it's my last

I live for rock and roll

I never look back

I'm a rocker, Oh oh

Do as I feel as I say

I'm a rocker, Oh oh

And no one can take that away

I'm a rocker

And I'm always revvin' up

I'm a rocker

I can never get enough

I'm a rocker

It's something in my blood

I'm a rocker

Wouldn't change it even if I could

I'm a rocker, Oh oh

Do as I feel as I say

I'm a rocker, Oh oh

And no one can take that away - Judas Priest 1988
Wyvern said:
Good for you. The human body don't need any of that stuff. And unless a serious sickness or pain don't need "legal" drugs (aka pharmaceuticals) either.

Does that mean we are vice free? Hell no! My vice is to buy CDs, I love to purcahse more and mode and expand my collection. I like to go to the gym and make exercise with heavy metal balsting in my walkman. I love to go as often as possible with friends to the movies.

We don't need no drugs to keep us joyful and going on. You have all you need inside is called free will.

Let's rejoice in our music, our families, our friends, our forum.

I hear you on that Cd Buying Vice I spend a Mint every week on cds hahahaha ..... Tho I cant say I live the *Drug Free* life I am Free of Alcohol Which is a Majorly Big deal for me I smoke alot of weed a ton even hahahahha and Thats about it ..... The occasional Coke or Mushroom might perk my interest from time to time ...... Sorry I'm sure neither of you needed to see that hahahahha but atleast I'm Honest right?
I'll admit, i do drink sometimes. And i don't drink to get drunk, though it has happened exactly twice. My first and last times, too. I much prefer just being buzzed. It's not an adiction, as i don't do it enough, and i'm not dependant on it. Just socially, really.
As for smoking. Cigars only. And that's only with certain people, and just every now and then. I know cigars aren't a safe alternative to cigerettes, but cigars taste better. :) And am i at all worried that'll be hooked? Not in the least. I've been on and off for too long. Hell, the last time i smoked a cigar was....four months ago. Wait...i take that back, i did smoke one at the Iced Earth show last week.

And yes, i'm 19 and i drink.
JonnyD said:
hahahahah When I was Your age hahahahahha I was DRUNK! all the time its what I did it was my Job! :loco: ....... hahahah When I was your age ... hahah Damn're old. :D
I'm the responsible drinker of the group. I have no interest in getting drunk. Been there, done that. I just drink because.....well, because it tastes good really. And i admit, i do like a good buzz now and then. Honestly, if i had a car, i'd probably be the one that would willingly and voluntarily be the designated driver.