Sexiest video clips

TRrEiTxIxRiE DTrash

New Metal Member
Apr 14, 2001
What do you guys think are some of the sexiest metal video clips around? :)

My #1 choice without a doubt is:

Scorpions - Rhythm Of Love! The girls in it are extremely hot, and it's just a very sexy looking clip the way it's directed, and the song also makes it sexy.

Other top choices:

Warrant - Cherry Pie : No reason needed here :grin: Bobbie dancing in hot pants getting sprayed by a hose is pretty sexy I think.

Whitesnake - Is This Love? : Tawny Kitain looks really really hot in this, and its a really slow smooth ballad and she dances to it in a see through white dress that is very sexy :grin:

Alice Cooper - Poison : Topless girls who look like they are probably porn stars. Enuff said. :lol:

Rhett Forrester - Assume The Position : Really sleazy song and there are 2 female cops stripping while they arrest someone :grin:

Dokken - Heaven Sent : Dunno why with this one, there isn't really any gorgeous girls in it. There is one girl who looks pretty good, it's just the whole feel of the song and video which has a sexy vibe. I like it.

There are other clips with hot girls in them like Kiss - Who Wants To Be Lonely for example, but the videos aren't quite as sexy.

Also I'm dying to see Motley Crue - Girls, Girls, Girls video, that's meant to be great :heh:


What happened to metal bands having bimbos dancing in their video clips these days?
I dont know what the song is called, something about moving a little, I saw it on video hits a couple of weeks ago, that was quite nice indeed :D
I've seen every Motley Crue video up to 1991 except "Girls Girls Girls", "Without You" and "Wild Side" :(

And they are meant to be the best 2!!!! Well along with LOOKS THAT KILL! :rock:
Damn stupid thing now is that every single video released by any American 'hip hop' star has as much sexual content as ANY of the 80's 'sexist' metal videos.

But who am I to complain. :p
...and another thing!! :mad:

Does anyone else find it rather disturbing how many times Trent has used the words 'sexy' and 'hot' in this topic? :yuk:
I ceased being disturbed by Troops months ago :lol:

You seem to be in a bad mood Sydo, anything I can help you with?
I'd have to say Reason to Live by KISS. Not only does it have a statuesque blonde soaping herself in a bathtub, she also blows up Paul Stanley's Porsche.

The uncensored version of Who Wants To Be Lonely ain't bad either...

I wouldn't exactly call it metal but those Aerosmith videos with Alicia Silverstone and Liv Tyler :OMG:
Originally posted by Sydo
Damn stupid thing now is that every single video released by any American 'hip hop' star has as much sexual content as ANY of the 80's 'sexist' metal videos.

I know what you mean. I remember watching a Hard N Heavy video with Slaughter talking about how their "Up All Night" video got banned from MTV coz of the sexual content, too many close up crotch shots of a girl or something stupid like that. And they even said, and this was in 1990, that all the rap groups at the time had much stronger sexual content in their clips but they get away with it. Mark Slaughter said it was "heavy metal censorship" basically, if a metal band does anything that is a little risque they attack them for it. Anyone else can get away with whatever they want though it seems.

And another thing, metal bands aren't the ones who refer to women as "their bitches" either. It should be rappers who are attacked for being sexist. Sleazy metal songs usually celebrate women rather than depict them as a piece of trash by calling them bitches and hoes :lol: