Shadows Fall


24 Hours Ago...
Jan 2, 2005
City beneath the surface
This is a band that I've pretty much ignored since they hit the mainstream until hearing their latest release. I've always enjoyed the band musically, because their riffs remind me a lot of old school Testament. Their vocals are what I've struggled with getting used to over the years. After awhile, I've warmed up to them, so I'm really diggin' them now. It's funny, because they've done a remake of the old Dangerous Toys song, Teasin', Pleasin'! The remake is quite good actually, so check it out.

I don't know much about the band at all, so I'm curious to get your feedback. What do you think of Shadows Fall? Have you ever been to a live show? etc., etc.

I fucking loved "The War Within"! I listened to this disc constantly when I got it for Christmas two years ago. That's my favorite by them. Every song on it is a keeper! Plus, thank God they use guitar solos. IMO, all metal should have guitar solos. Metal is THE showcase for the instrument. SHADOWS FALL are extremely cool and I will continue to support them unless they piss me off like "Selloutica" did.
Not a huge fan, but they did impress me at Ozzfest last year.
I have a couple tracks on a sampler, and they are decent.
I agree with you that the vocals are the one low-point of the band.
Jasonic said:
Not a huge fan, but they did impress me at Ozzfest last year.
I have a couple tracks on a sampler, and they are decent.
I agree with you that the vocals are the one low-point of the band.

Actually, I like the vox now, but it took some getting use to for me. Brian Fair sounds a little like Chuck Billy in a round about way.
Emerald Sword said:
I fucking loved "The War Within"! I listened to this disc constantly when I got it for Christmas two years ago. That's my favorite by them. Every song on it is a keeper! Plus, thank God they use guitar solos. IMO, all metal should have guitar solos. Metal is THE showcase for the instrument. SHADOWS FALL are extremely cool and I will continue to support them unless they piss me off like "Selloutica" did.

Seeing your avatar there reminds me of something else. I've been listening to The Dark Discovery some this week and it's a heavy/thrashy piece as well! :headbang:
their version of Teasin', Pleasin' is weak compared to the original even if Jason McAlister sang on the Shadow's Fall version.
Good band. Hope they don't change too much with their major label debut, they have found a niche in playing more hard rock based anthems than speedy thrash classics as of late. The Art of Balance is their best. They have always reminded me of an old thrash band too, I usually lean more towards Anthrax considering his clean vocal approach.
I saw them at the Masquerade and thought it was a good show. The true fun, however, took place afterward.

Jim "LotfP" Raggi had seen a band perform the week before, with me, one of my non-metal favorites, called Ozric Tentacles. Brian Fair from Shadow's Fall bears more than a slight resemblance to then-Ozrics frontman "Jumpin'" Jon Egan, so Raggi decides to play with his mind a little. "Say, you look a lot like this guy I saw fronting this band last week, called Ozric Tentacles...."

After a suitable interval I went up to him all innocent. "Say, you look a lot like this guy I saw fronting this band last week, called Ozric Tentacles...." He instantly whipped his head around and spotted Raggi chortling fifteen feet away. "Why, you.....! Yeah, Ozric Tentacles, they're one of my favorite bands! I saw them last week in Boston!"

Total coolness; I wasn't expecting that! I've had a soft spot for them ever since. :D

I'd agree that Art of Balance is the best starting-point.
Love them. I have been listening to them since Of One Blood came out in 2000. Was it that long ago? They were the 30 minute opener on the In Flames Clayman tour that I ended up not seeing, I bought the SF cd to check em out.

Art of Balance is their best because it's the most diverse. War Within has the same tempo to me (like Youthanasia).

I think their new one is going to be KILLER. They are in the big leagues now (ala Lamb of God) and know they have to put out their best cd. They said the songs are better than anything they have done because they have the time to work on them longer.

Also, what is the name of the band Brian was in pre Shadows Fall? The name escapes me, but I know they are doing a new cd. The bassist from Killswitch Engage is also in it.
After attempting to be the U.S. equivalent of In Flames (see "Of One Blood"), and failing miserably, they decided to become Mallcore. This change clearly demonstrated their lack of musical conviction. Between this lack of conviction, the aforementioned lack of originality, and the general crapshittiness of their music, I'd say they may actually be my least favorite band on the planet. They're running neck with Jackyl.

General Zod said:
After attempting to be the U.S. equivalent of In Flames (see "Of One Blood"), and failing miserably, they decided to become Mallcore. This change clearly demonstrated their lack of musical conviction. Between this lack of conviction, the aforementioned lack of originality

They INVENTED "mallcore", as you and other clueless people ;) (note the smiley!) call it. Call it lack of originality if you want; I consider creating a genre to be pretty damn original.
booB said:
They INVENTED "mallcore", as you and other clueless people ;) (note the smiley!) call it. Call it lack of originality if you want; I consider creating a genre to be pretty damn original.
Some might suggest we're arguing over who should reap the rewards for inventing hemroids. That said, I don't follow the genre closely enough to know who invented it. However, Killswitch Engage's "Alive or Just Breathing" was released six months prior "The Art of Balance". So, if the genre was invented in 2002, then credit belongs to KSE. Regardless, "Alive or Just Breathing" is 82,374,373,651,472,593,204,483,281,199 times better than anything Shadows Fall has ever done.


By the way, 82,374,373,651,472,593,204,483,281,199 is statistically accurate. I know because I calculated it myself.
I listened to their new CD on one of those listening parties. It was incredibly boring. I know it was basically a 'get out of contract free' album, but it still left a bad impression. I then listened to Somber Eyes to the Sky, and was again, not impressed.
General Zod said:
Some might suggest we're arguing over who should reap the rewards for inventing hemroids. That said, I don't follow the genre closely enough to know who invented it. However, Killswitch Engage's "Alive or Just Breathing" was released six months prior "The Art of Balance". So, if the genre was invented in 2002, then credit belongs to KSE.

The debate continues as to whether Shadows Fall are neo-Thrash or Metal(mall)core. However, assuming that they are Mallcore they are certainly a "Johnny come lately" band to the genre.
Hatebreed and Biohazzard had albums out in the late 1990's. KSE's S/T debut was released a year before "AOJB." Stuck Mojo's "Snappin' Necks" came out in 1995. Pro-Pain's "Foul Taste of Freedom" was released in 1992.
No way did SF invent Mallcore.

General Zod said:
Regardless, "Alive or Just Breathing" is 82,374,373,651,472,593,204,483,281,199 times better than anything Shadows Fall has ever done.


By the way, 82,374,373,651,472,593,204,483,281,199 is statistically accurate. I know because I calculated it myself.

I disapprove of the way you round up the suck factor before applying exponents. Still, since your answer is only off by 6 I won't haggle over it.