Annoying drum nerd
Some of these kids were lucky I was not around when they started to bash the band (for no reason I might add).
Shagrath might do a better job on guitars yes, but it does not matter because he is what made Dimmu, Dimmu. Argue if you must (little child) but he wrote 90% of their music and the rest were improvised fills from the other members. Those who giggle ignorantly and add ridiculous mockery to his name obviously do not know the guy. He is calm and down to earth, all he wanted to do was share his ideas with you and he did it. People loved it and he DID NOT turn into an asshole even with all that recongition. I would hope for some, you might realize that.
And I rarely listen to them anymore, this is just the facts. If he does leave, it Will, be to step up to his more important life. Not for "pussy".
correct me if I´m wrong, but isnt Galder the actually Head of Dimmu Borgir??? at least its always Galder who is mentioned when it comes to such things.
But you are right, without Shagrath Dimmu is not Dimmu anymore. the sound would completely change, would not work. No matter who comes after him