shameless bragging!


Sep 2, 2003
ok boys,i know its boasting,and flame away,but i just had to post the review we got in bravewords and bloody knuckles issue #81

PANIC CELL – Bitter Part Of Me
Online: Email:
This album explodes like a keg full of gunpowder, dynamite and hand
grenades. Touting themselves as “classic rock-metal gone post-millennium,”
Panic Cell is one of the most exciting new bands to emerge from the UK in
quite some time. Featuring former members of Exile and Downtrodden, this
five piece have a seemingly unlimited arsenal of catchy choruses, huge hooks
and cool riffs. First single/video ‘Away From Here’ blends mid ‘90s era COC
with Sevendust in fist pumping fury. Vocalist Luke Bell makes singing along
easy and utterly enjoyable while the guitar squeals and furious drum work
evoke Damageplan on more than one occasion. Exuding confidence and
versatility, Panic Cell will knock you on your ass!
Aaron Small

shameless i know,but i love it when a plan comes together!! :D

to be fair,most of you boys have already said great things about it,but heres someone else too :headbang: :wave:

could someone please stick a pin in my head to deflate it. :loco:
Why?(unless your name is Aaron Small). When you kick ass, you kick ass. I say let the whole world know about it, a review like that will make Maiden jealous. Rock on :headbang:
Great review Blady... congrats!!!!

A guy had the mag at work the other day and I saw it while thumbing through it. Got to do a little name dropping.... "yeah, I know Luke, the singer in Panic Cell".... :D
Hey Clammy-- have you gotten to hear the Panic Cell disc? Just wondering. If I remember right you came to the board after Baldy was mailing the discs to everyone. If not I'm sure one of us (maybe The Bald One himself) will hook you up with a copy.
Greeno said:
Hey Clammy-- have you gotten to hear the Panic Cell disc? Just wondering. If I remember right you came to the board after Baldy was mailing the discs to everyone. If not I'm sure one of us (maybe The Bald One himself) will hook you up with a copy.

Actually, no, I haven't heard it. Who's it distributed through? I'll try finding it here.

:headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
Clammy said:
Actually, no, I haven't heard it. Who's it distributed through? I'll try finding it here.

Baldy will have to answer that one. I don't think they have a distro in the US or Canada though. I got a few copies from Baldy for the eBay guy I work for. If you want I can see if he has any left.
hey clammy,no probs if you want a disc,just pm me your mail addy and i'll send you one over.
we have some distro in canada,with a company called phd canada,but i dont think we're a priority for them!if you know what i mean.

i only posted the review cause its the only one we got in a magazine distributed in the us and canada,we got quite a few more in the uk and europe,but bw+bk was the only mag i could find to send it to in the us/canada-seeing as most of you boys live over there,i thought i'd post it.
baldyboy said:
ok boys,i know its boasting,and flame away,but i just had to post the review we got in bravewords and bloody knuckles issue #81

That doesn't surprise me at all. I don't mince words at all. I made some small complaints about your band and that was all I could muster as I am a critic when it comes to "hey listen to this and tell me what you think" kind of stuff. I still play your release a couple of times a week. You have great songs and the musicianship and vocals are very solid and unique. I'll buy a t-shirt as soon as you offer one.
I still want to fly over to England and tune your drummer's snare up, but I have even loved to accept the lower tuned guitars. Your band has room for improvement, but it is pretty minor stuff. You guys rock and I am a fan. As far as I am concerned, you deserve good praise. You and your band will progress as time goes on and I expect nothing less than every release being better than the previous. Panic cell rocks my brother !!

baldyboy said:
shameless i know,but i love it when a plan comes together!! :D

to be fair,most of you boys have already said great things about it,but heres someone else too :headbang: :wave:

could someone please stick a pin in my head to deflate it. :loco:
DUDE! That is cool! :D Congrats! I like it.... I knew people would like it! :headbang: you just wait Panic Cell will conquer the world!:worship:
baldyboy said:
hey clammy,no probs if you want a disc,just pm me your mail addy and i'll send you one over.
we have some distro in canada,with a company called phd canada,but i dont think we're a priority for them!if you know what i mean.

i only posted the review cause its the only one we got in a magazine distributed in the us and canada,we got quite a few more in the uk and europe,but bw+bk was the only mag i could find to send it to in the us/canada-seeing as most of you boys live over there,i thought i'd post it.

Tell you what, I'll see if I can find it here and buy it. If not, I'll get you to send one to me, which I'll pay for. Gotta support our fellow metal bands!

We got a bunch of reviews in Europe... I can't read most of them, because they're in German, Polish, Czech, Russian, etc... the French ones, I can read! I don't think there's been any North American reviews though.

:headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
Bryant said:
That doesn't surprise me at all. I don't mince words at all. I made some small complaints about your band and that was all I could muster as I am a critic when it comes to "hey listen to this and tell me what you think" kind of stuff. I still play your release a couple of times a week. You have great songs and the musicianship and vocals are very solid and unique. I'll buy a t-shirt as soon as you offer one.
I still want to fly over to England and tune your drummer's snare up, but I have even loved to accept the lower tuned guitars. Your band has room for improvement, but it is pretty minor stuff. You guys rock and I am a fan. As far as I am concerned, you deserve good praise. You and your band will progress as time goes on and I expect nothing less than every release being better than the previous. Panic cell rocks my brother !!

thank you bryant,that means a lot to me.l

just to let you know,we finished shooting the video to "thousand words"the other day,and i should have the finished dvd in my hands in a couple of weeks.guess who's top of my list to post a copy out to?
if you dont mind,i'll send a couple for greeno and jd as well.if i can fit it,i'll mail you a t-shirt too.i'm guessing your a large,rather than x large.let me know if i'm wrong :D
Clammy said:
Tell you what, I'll see if I can find it here and buy it. If not, I'll get you to send one to me, which I'll pay for. Gotta support our fellow metal bands!

We got a bunch of reviews in Europe... I can't read most of them, because they're in German, Polish, Czech, Russian, etc... the French ones, I can read! I don't think there's been any North American reviews though.

:headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

thats cool clammy-i dont mind sending you one,especially if you'll consider us for a support band when you guys tour next!! :D
totally with you on the supporting other bands thing too,everytime we've played with other bands lately,and they've had cd's to sell,they always offer one,but i'll always buy it-you know the slog of making the whole thing,only fair to pay for it.

reviews wise,we've had the same problem-some of the um boys have kindly helped out with translations,so its always worth asking them,or try babel fish,a program that translates stuff.we needed these reviews for our press pack stuff,cause its our first effort,they are the only reviews we've got!
baldyboy said:
thank you bryant,that means a lot to me.l

just to let you know,we finished shooting the video to "thousand words"the other day,and i should have the finished dvd in my hands in a couple of weeks.guess who's top of my list to post a copy out to?
if you dont mind,i'll send a couple for greeno and jd as well.if i can fit it,i'll mail you a t-shirt too.i'm guessing your a large,rather than x large.let me know if i'm wrong :D

Cool !! You rock !! Actually I am an X large.

baldyboy said:
l just to let you know,we finished shooting the video to "thousand words"the other day,and i should have the finished dvd in my hands in a couple of weeks.guess who's top of my list to post a copy out to?
if you dont mind,i'll send a couple for greeno and jd as well.

COOL!!!! Thanks Baldy!

Man you guys pump out the videos. What is that, the third one now?
Hey Baldy, don't know if you know of this or not, but we have a free metal magazine in the southern california area that you can just head to a record shop, pick up and walk away with it, it's called "Keeper" magazine. I just took a gander at the CD reviews in the latest issue, and they have a review for YOUR CD in it! Thought you'd be interested in reading it, so here it is:

"Panic Cell seem to have taken a chapter out of the book of Black Label Society and added their own twist to it. They have that heavy groove style, but throw in some power metal style and maybe even some Rock n' Roll and punk. It's a refreshing change after listening to so much speed, thrash, death and hardcore. I think as long as Panic Cell take care of their business side of this business they can have a long future. I'm already salivating over the wait for their next disc."

Very interesting take on your sound there! Nice job, buddy!
thats a cool thing to see wicked child,thank you for that-and a cool review too.
one to add to the pile!!!

greeno-your right,it is number be honest,none of us have a clue what to do for number 4.
answers on a postcard(ok,this forum)please.